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Baha Black Sheep



It’s hard to believe that our Little Orphan Lambie is almost 6 weeks old!

It’s really  hard to believe that we’ve kept her alive this long.  Sheep are known to just fall over and die. Luckily, that hasn’t happened to us.

In those six weeks, Lambie has undergone a name change, from Bailey to Baha.  She drinks 4 times as much milk as she did when she was born, and she’s at least 3 times her birth weight. 

20140316_124316(rev 0)People keep asking me what kind of sheep she is, and I keep telling them, “The kind with four legs.”  I think they’re looking for a more specific answer, but right now, I don’t know what that answer is!

Baha has had a couple of vaccinations, and had her tail docked. (Apparently, tail docking keeps sheep healthy.  Bart used an elastrator and she didn’t even cry when he did it.)  The tail fell off last week and it’s sitting on a hay bale near her pen.  Grosses me out every time I see it.

We are no longer feeding her in the middle of the night, thank goodness.  Going out to the shed in the cold, dark night was a little too much for me.  I mean, I like her and all, but not that much.  Most of the time, Bart did the midnight feedings, but whenever I did it, I made sure to make a big stink.


Now, she gets three bottles during the day.  The lamb milk replacer we use smells a lot like the vanilla protein powder I put in my smoothies.  I’m wondering if they’re interchangeable.

The plan is for Adam to “show” her at the county fair.  That means, he has to keep records, do an interview with judges, and then walk her around the ring.  Should be interesting, since he likes to purse his lips and look away when adults ask him questions, and she doesn’t exactly like her leash.  (I think it’s called a lead rope? or halter? Or something more technical like that.)

In order to participate in the fair, we have to attend four meetings to learn how to care for the animals.  We’ve been through three of the meetings.  The fourth is sort of a dress rehearsal.  We take Baha with us, and she gets checked out by the vet to make sure she doesn’t have any contagious illnesses, which will happen again at fair time.  Just another example of biosecurity.


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We never really wrote down any goals for this adventure, but I think Bart would agree…the general idea is to teach Adam to care for something other than himself; to willingly be inconvenienced by another being’s needs.  It’s a good thing he’s only 5, because it might take a few more sheep before he really gets the hang of it.

Although, he’s pretty cute playing with her!

Alleluia! He is risen!


Therefore you now have sorrow; but I will see you again and your heart will rejoice, and your joy no one will take from you. John 16:22

Adam David -  He Is Risen!

Happy Easter.

Isaac, the Threenager

My sweet Isaac turned 3 a couple of weeks ago.


This kid keeps us on our toes. 

img_6456At his first birthday, he was going through a period of time where he just didn’t sleep from 2am to 4am.  He had chronic constipation that made his poor little tummy hurt. 


When he turned two, we started speech therapy, because he just didn’t talk.  At all. Throughout the last year, he learned to talk, but he also learned to beat up his (bigger) brother.


And now? Now he’s three.  And refuses to give up his pacifier or wear underwear or stay in his bed or eat anything but pancakes and Chex.


But through all the little battles and challenges that Isaac has brought us, he has also brought us JOY.


For a long time, I couldn’t figure out what Isaac’s strengths were.  He didn’t seem to have any.  But I finally realized, Isaac’s strength is joy.

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Isaac can find the joy in any situation. He is never simply happy – he is over-the-moon excited about nearly everything.  Of course, he has his grumpy moments, but for the most part, he approaches life with a happy-go-lucky, sunshine-y attitude that rubs off on anyone around him.


Sometimes, Isaac’s joy is a bit misplaced.  Like when he delights in hitting Adam.  Or giggles like crazy when he sneaks out of bed for the tenth time.  Yes, Isaac is a little ornery.  But he more than makes up for it with his sweet hugs and infectious smile.


Happy Birthday, sweet Isaac!

Filled with Love, Joy and Peace


I tend towards “anticipatory stress,” as I like to call it.  When I know that I’m going to have a busy few days, or a large to-do list, I start to freak out a bit.

The last few days have been like that for me.  Starting last Thursday and ending late (LATE) this Friday night, things have been (and are going to be) a whirlwind of go, go, go and “major project deadline” and fly-to-Florida-to-speak-at-a-conference.

Saturday morning, I read this devotion, and I felt like it was written just for me.  Like it truly was Jesus calling me…

From Jesus Calling: Enjoying Peace in His Presence

April 5

Let Me fill you with my Love, Joy and Peace.  These are Glory-gifts, flowing from My Living Presence.  Though you are an earthen vessel, I designed you to be filled with heavenly contents.  Your weakness is not a deterrent to being filled with My Spirit; on the contrary, it provides an opportunity for My Power to shine forth more brightly.

As you go through this day, trust Me to provide the strength that you need moment by moment.  Don’t waste energy wondering whether you are adequate for today’s journey.  My Spirit within you is more than sufficient to handle whatever this day may bring.  That is the basis for your confidence! In quietness (spending time alone with Me) and confident trust (relying on My sufficiency) is your strength.

And, for the most part, I’ve managed to stay filled with Love, Joy, and Peace since then.  God has provided me the strength and focus that I needed to get my to-do list done.  And now, I’m about four hours ahead of schedule before meetings and travel start tomorrow, and I’m going to go spend the afternoon in the sunshine working at The HomeShed.


love, joy, peace jesus calling