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Favorites on Friday


I’m home with a sick kiddo today.  The big one has had a cough all week and finally ended up with a fever in the night.  I’m not surprised.  We’ve had a busy week – not exactly good for relaxing and recovering from a cold.

And, this happened:

The account language preference is correct.  The wii language preference is correct.  But every show is in Spanish, unless I change it specifically for that show.  So I guess that’s what I’ll do.

But anyway, back to favorites, not mysterious Netflix failures…

The Iowa State game Wednesday night was so fun – seats in Row 11, and an amazing game!  We took both boys, and I spent most of it chasing Isaac, but that’s the way it goes with my little hurricane!

iowa state game


And other favorites from the week include


someecards.com - Washing laundry - a must. Drying - understandable. But putting it all away is simply taking things a bit too far. 

This blog: I love Brooke’s light and airy, but still colorful, house.  Go and check it out!

Inside-Out Design

This contest: You MUST enter TODAY! (click on the image to enter.)

Giveaway Graphic

This list of books, which has given me some great ideas!

This article about eating meat.

and last but not least, all of the nice comments and new visitors after I shared my home tour at Primitive and Proper yesterday!  Thank you!


For the weekend, I’m planning on hibernating.  More cold and snow on the way.  Yuck!

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  1. Hope you got the Netflix figured out-that is such a random glitch! Also feel the same way about the laundry. I'm awesome at doing it and putting it in the basket. However, it just doesn't get put away. Oh well:)

  2. Hints for Netflix: 1. Use Google Chrome 2. do a search for Chrome Addons 3. search addons for "Hola" (without the quotation marks) 4. Install Hola. this will enable you to see pretty much any Netflix in the world. I have mine set for the UK right now to get their mystery and true crime shows. I'll pick USA when I want to see programs that neither UK or Canada carry. You don't have to change your IP or anything.

  3. Oh, that reminds me, I found a recipe for jalapino popper turkey meat balls. I haven't tried them (yet) but the recipe looks good. I'd have to sub out the bread crumbs (I use almond meal instead).

    This site has tons of quick recipes that are one pan. I figured you're a busy mom of two pre-schoolers and might appreciate some time saving.

  4. Oh my gosh, you're flipping awesome!! Thank you!!! haha I just came over to read your post today; what a great surprise to see I was in it! :D
    I hope your kiddo will be feeling better soon! Mine are sick too. Luckily nothing too bad. What bad timing for your Netflix to being doing something crazy- with sick kids you need tv more! (At least I do :)
    Thanks again for the shout-out!
