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Spontaneous Blogging


I’m mad at Facebook.  I like to share short updates and funny things my kids do on my facebook page, but Facebook has changed the way they do things (again) and so few people see it!

And I’m too much of a perfectionist with my writing here on the blog, which means that from the time I draft a blog post to the time it’s published could be anywhere from several days to several weeks.

I want you guys to know me.  I want you to know my personality, know what makes me tick, and know all my crazy thoughts.  But if Facebook isn’t going to make that happen anymore, then I need to start blogging more spontaneously and less “perfectly.”

So this is it.  My first spontaneous blog post.  On a Tuesday afternoon, on my couch, in my slippers, 20 minutes before my 5 year old gets off the bus.  No editing.  No pinterest-worthy picture, no earth-shattering topic.  Just a few quick thoughts.



And a random picture of a squirrelly little boy with a slightly asymmetrical face that I adore.

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  1. Sigh..I'm really frustrated with the Facebook thing as well! Your spontaneous post is cute though! :) Keep it up!

    1. Thanks, Nicole. I actually went so far as to take the Facebook shortcut off my phone. I didn't uninstall it, but it's not right there in front anymore!

  2. He's adorable! Facebook is frustrating. It's like a game about how to outsmart their weird attempts to not share our posts.

  3. You're not alone in your frustrations with FB. But, I like you spontaneous blogging...keep it up. As for posting random pictures of your little guy...keep that up, too.

    1. I really have been lacking in kid pictures for the last year. I will try to post more!

  4. I can't believe how old your youngest is getting! It seems like he was just born! Congrats on your idea to go more real life and authentic! Love it!
