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The HomeShed’s Spring Sale

Sorry, dear readers, for my absence.

I’ve been spending all my time working on my occasional barn sale – The HomeShed.


Our spring sale is this weekend and I’ve been painting, repurposing, cleaning, organizing, pricing, and all that jazz…


Here are just a few (cell phone picture) sneak peeks for you…






Be sure to follow along on facebook at The HomeShed to see more pictures and updates! 

And if you’re local, I hope to see you at the sale!  Here are the details:

Located at Red Granite Farm (Not my farm)

2013 130th St

Boone, IA

north of Ames on Hwy E-18 between Hwy 17 & Hwy 69

Friday & Saturday 9-5 and Sunday 10-4

Would you like to comment?

  1. All the stuff looks great Katie! Good luck with your sale.

  2. Oh, that looks like so much fun. You do really great work. I love the colors.
