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My Boys on the Farm

One of the reasons we decided to farm was because of our kids.  We wanted to raise them in the country where they could roam and explore.  We wanted them to experience the hard work and dedication that raising livestock requires.  And we wanted them to spend lots of time side-by-side with their daddy.

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However, they’re still a little young for all of those things.  At 4 1/2 and 2, they can’t roam too far without an adult.  And they’re no match for 40+ pound turkeys.  And it turns out, running a farm like this doesn’t leave Bart a lot of free time (although he has found a bit of time to work on this tractor with the boys…it’s John Deere 110, the first lawn tractor that John Deere made, from the mid 1960s.  It’s currently engine-less, but  has new tires that make it just adorable!)

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IMG_4607So for now, we take field trips out to the barns, find errands they can run with daddy, and squeeze in a tractor ride whenever possible.  We know that someday, they’ll be hard at work on the farm, but for now, they get to enjoy the privilege of being {little} farm boys!IMG_4623IMG_20130430_150821_019

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  1. LOVE the photos!
    You are establishing ROOTS for your boys and making MEMORIES. Crucial things for the future of ag.
    Great job, Mom and Dad.
