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I have a confession.  I haven’t written the 2nd Messy Mom post because I’m scared to let you all down.  I had such great feedback from the first post – seems like you all are messy like me, and you were crying out for help.  What if my help doesn’t help?  What if you’re all like, “I thought she was going to write something REALLY helpful – a magical cure.  And all we got was this mumbo jumbo.”  So I haven’t written any mumbo jumbo.  And I haven’t cleaned my house either.  But I will someday, I promise.


In the meantime, I’m working on some Mother’s Day cards to have for sale at The HomeShed sale at the end of the month.  What do you think of this one?


insanity is hereditary

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  1. I absolutely LOVE it! So very, very true. LOL
    Don't worry about anyone thinking that you're writing "mumbo jumbo"...sometimes, just knowing that someone else is struggling with a similar issue and has some sort of idea how to work through it is the very best help anyway.
    ...now back to my very messy house...
