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Since You Asked: Isaac, attachment to turkeys, and picky eaters

It’s time for another edition of “Since You Asked” where I answer readers’ questions.  If you have a question about our family or farm, or just want to hear my opinion on something, please send me an email, a message on facebook or leave a comment here.  (katieolthoff@gmail.com)

Q1: How’s Isaac doing?
A1: Many have asked for an update on Baby Isaac.  Isaac had been dealing with constipation and extreme gas that was keeping him awake and uncomfortable from 12-3 every night.  We saw the pediatric gastroenterologist (Dr. Beltroy) last week.  He was so great.  He gave us time to give a thorough personal and family health history, and ordered more lab tests.  In the meantime, he suggested that we aggressively treat the constipation with MiraLax.  His hope was that Isaac had a normal amount of gas that was just trapped by the constipation.  We have increased the MiraLax and have been giving Isaac easier foods to digest (baby food purees instead of table foods) and he has been sleeping through the night!  A month ago, at Isaac’s 1 year check up, his platelet count had been VERY high, but last week, it was finally back into the normal range.  Also, his hemoglobin (iron) dropped into the anemic range two weeks ago, but it was also fine for this last test.  Finally, all the other blood tests came back normal, so as long as he keeps pooping regularly and sleeping okay, we’ll start re-introducing table foods again.  Dr. Beltroy said that some kids are just constipated, and we may never know why.  But it feels great to get some sleep and know that there is nothing majorly wrong!

Q2: Do you ever get attached to your turkeys?  Don’t you feel bad when they go to market?
A2: Short answer – No.  We have so. many. birds.  Maybe if there were only a few, I’d get attached to them more.  But we have up to 60,000 turkeys at a time.  And our goal is to keep them healthy until they can become a healthy food for you.  We take GREAT care of them while they’re alive, and I know that the end is quick and humane.
Pioneer Woman’s hubby, Marlboro Man recently answered a similar  question regarding their cattle.
Q. I’m curious, I ask this with all respect, how you all reconcile everything above with the miserable end those animals meet.
A. We raise and grow cattle for the production of meat. I know that we do everything we can to take as good of care of them as we can while they are here in our care, from feeding them in storms, doctoring them when they are sick, or helping deliver calves. Our job is to take care of them. I know a lot of people in this industry and I can’t think of one person who doesn’t understand that the better job we do of taking care of the animals that are in our care, the better those animals will do.
Q3:  This is my question to you, readers.  Do any of you have picky eaters?  How do you encourage them to try new foods?
A3:  (insert your answer here!)

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  1. So Glad Isaac is doing so much better! :)

  2. Great news about Isaac. My daughter turned one in March. She's always had a difficult time with new foods. When she started baby food she has a lot of trouble pooping, eventually got used to it, and then with table food, same thing. Also, she will not poop when we're out and about. That usually constipates her for a couple of days. :-/

    My son has not been a very picky eater, but he can be sometimes. My theory is if I cook it, if it's on the table, then it's on his plate. If it is something I KNOW he doesn't like (formerly broccoli) then I don't expect him to finish it. I'll always offer it, and he'll always have to take one or two bites. Now he loves broccoli lol. When I cook something and he says he doesn't like it, we usually battle for a little while and I choose to win by dividing his food and give him a portion to eat.

  3. Hunger is the best sauce, we always joke in our house. My daughter was a fantastic eater as an toddler, and then at 4 yrs or so, she got fussier and fussier. So we watch the snacking, making sure it's not much and not to close to meal time so as to impact her appetite at all. And sometimes, when I try something new that I think she might balk at, I'll serve dinner a little bit later so she's a bit hungrier than usual and a little more open to what I have set before her. Also, letting them help in the prep of meals makes them take some ownership of it, and they often want to try the fruits of their labour!

  4. So glad Isaac is doing better! It's so rough when they're sick or unhappy and you can't help. :(
    For our sometimes choosy eater, we have a few tricks that work. My dad taught him a "magic trick." He needs to spear the piece of food with a toothpick, wave it around saying "Abracadabra!" and then eat it off the toothpick to make it disappear. Some days, it really IS magical.
    And speaking of toothpicks, those are pretty effective, too. No idea why, but try serving a meal like hors d'oevres.
    And finally, he's all about those partitioned plates or muffin tins. He likes to have something in each one.
    Oh, and also, dip! Ketchup, ranch dressing, whatever. He loves it!
