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Make Things Beautiful

Making things beautiful makes me happy.

And my “beautiful” strength is arranging vignettes.

A vignette is an arrangement of décor accessories
and when I’m looking for a little pick-me-up, I start rearranging.

So today, for your viewing pleasure (and mine) I’m sharing several vignettes from around my home over the past few years.
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Which is your favorite?  Pin it or share it on facebook!
(By the way – I got a new piece of furniture for my house that I’m LOVING!  I don’t have a blog-worthy photo yet, but I have a cell phone pic on Facebook.  Be sure to check it out!!! www.facebook.com/onthebanksofsquawcreek )

Shared at: Tuts and Tips not to Miss 
Shared at Funky Junk Interiors  
Shared at Metamorphosis Monday  
June Before and After Party at Thrifty Decor Chick  
The Little Things party at Thrifty Decor Chick

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  1. If you are EVER in the NW part of Indiana, you just have to stop by and help me get my decor groove on! My poor house needs it so! LOVE it all!

  2. I miss vignettes; I can't keep most decor around without the kids moving it around or stealing pieces of it. I think my favorite is the tulips and allium (I think that's the right flower) with the white birds. I have a little bluebird sitting on my bookshelf and Mr. Man loves to play with it, so those probably wouldn't be safe at my house.

  3. You have a gift, Katie! My favorites are the right corner of the kitchen (both high and low) and the wooden cupboard with the letter A and the antlers. Looks like they belong in catalogs or magazines!

  4. I'm so jealous of all your shelf space! I really loved the nice rustic feel of your cloth apples, and admire your ability to incorporate the antlers into your decor.

  5. Very nice decorating Just loved always moving and changing things. The accessories make a room.

  6. Katie, your vignettes are stunning. My favorite is the 82 Queen picture! Go figure!! I don't care what any one says, doing vignettes is hard! You have a talent at it or you don't, and YOU definitely do!!!

  7. So much eye candy! What a great post idea filled with so much inspiration.

    I love the card catalogue box in your kitchen (is that an Ikea box or the real thing) and your bookshelves look amazing! Such a great combination of old and new!

    Visiting from Home Stories A to Z

  8. You do have a wonderful talent! I need your help. I am always collecting things that have such potential but it never quite seems to come about in my house.

  9. All of these are great! You definitely do have a knack for creating vignettes - would you please come stop by my house with some pointers? I always struggle with mine and they seem to look off-balance or not to scale...I'd love it if you shared your best tips!

  10. Love your vignettes, and I am a new follower, creating over at http://twelveoeight.blogspot.com

    Thank you for the beautiful post!
    Tanya :)

  11. Can you come over? Vignettes are pretty much the opposite of my strong suit:) Except for sewing, that is just the thing I can't-ever-ever-ever do.


  12. FYI:

    VIGNETTE noun

    an ornamental design (originally one of vine leaves, tendrils, and grapes) or illustration used on a PAGE OF A BOOK, magazine, etc., as at the beginning or end of a chapter or section

    a picture, photograph, film image, etc. with no definite border, shading off gradually at the edges into the background

    a short literary sketch or description

    a short, carefully constructed written scene in a film, play, etc

  13. Its amazing, looking at the time and effort you put into your blog and detailed information you provide. I'll bookmark your blog and visit it weekly for your new posts.
