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Dreaming of Nate Berkus and an Addition

I had a dream about the Nate Berkus Show last night.
Funniest part?  I’ve never actually seen it.
(Don’t worry – when I woke up this morning, I set my DVR to record every episode from now till eternity.)

I also dreamed about our new addition.  Remember when I said I was going to embrace our Little House and focus on making our current space work better for us? 
I lied. 
We NEED to do something different with our “entryway” on the west side of the house.  We use it, visitors use it, and Bart-the-dirty-stinky-hard-working-turkey-farmer uses it.  It’s dark and small and gloomy, and always full of dust from the turkey barns and chore clothes.  NOT a welcoming entry for the rest of the family OR for guests.

So, entryway/mudroom plans have been in the works for awhile.  But, you know how it goes…one thing leads to another, and pretty soon, we’re spending every evening planning out a new family room and drawing floor plans and elevations.


Our house is currently less than 1500 square feet, and this would add about another 750, plus the potential for an attached garage down the road. It’s 3 br, 1 3/4 bath with the laundry in the basement. With the addition, it would be 4-5 br, 1 3/4 bath with laundry on the main floor.
What do you think?   Any advice?

Shared at Metamorphosis Monday

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  1. I don't have any advice, but I'm interested to see how this all plays out because we're also planning an addition for our farmhouse, eventually.

  2. We're trying to figure out whether we want an addition or whether we'll move. Our biggest problem has been rooflines, but we have a raised ranch so it's been a total pain. I like your plans so far; I can't wait to see what you come up with.

  3. Yep, do it! If you love where you are, then adding another bedroom (or two) a mudroom and laundry room (those can be the same room) will be a huge help! Construction is never fun, but one it's done just try to forget about it and enjoy your new home.


  4. I have no advice, but I'm dreaming of an addition, too. We live in a small house, but I really want to enlarge the kitchen which would include reworking the back entry and the laundry room. I know what you mean about the hubby bringing in dirt and dust. We have a large garden and half the soil ends up in our house!
