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Card Catalog in the Kitchen

My kitchen is U shaped, and the corners of the countertop always collect junk.  It drives me nuts.
To remedy the situation, I rearranged a bit and “filled in” the corner with some beautiful storage.

antique card catalog




kitchen countertop decor


card catalog kitchen storage

The card catalog came from Iowa State (our alma mater) and was a curbside find when we still lived in Ames. 
kitchen decor

black and white kitchenkitchen corner
The card catalog is still empty…what would you fill it with?

Shared at Metamorphosis Monday 
Creative Me Monday 
Tuts and Tips not to Miss 
May Before and After Party at Thrifty Decor Chick  
Saturday Night Special 

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  1. Ahhh! I covet your card catalogue. I always have my eyes peeled for one, but whenever I find them they always seem to carry a price tag of a gazillion dollars.

    This is super cute.

  2. I love your kitchen, it is so bright and clean looking. I would fill the card catalog with favorite recipes, measuring spoons, spices, or just kitchen randoms (bag clips, sprinkles, birthday candles, twist ties, etc).

  3. I love it! Even better that it has a sentimental connection too. I would use it for odd things that don't really have a home--at least not in my kitchen. Looks like Rachel's list is the same as mine! Love your kitchen, btw.

  4. I love that idea, a great place to keep all those recipes

  5. Haha, I have your old utensil container, plus the matching napkin holder, banana tree and papertowel roll stand! They were wedding presents, but I've been looking for something else since we got tem but just haven't found anything yet. I'd use the card catalogue for recipes and all those odds and ends that always get buried in the junk drawer like birthday candles and batteries.

  6. Hmmm... I'd use it for recipes and small kitchen knick knacks!

  7. Recipes would be cool. But, if you're anything like me you would never remember how you filed them in the first place. So my vote would be make them nicely organized "junk" drawers.

    If you're a tea/coffee drinker you could keep different kinds of tea and coffee in them.

  8. I love it! The whole set-up is just great. Pretty and still functional. I vote that you keep treats in the card catalog... and tell your husband and kids that it's just empty ;)

  9. I would most likely fill it with junk, nail clippers and finger nail polish. Your kitchen is gorgeous!

  10. Yep, it would become the "junk drawer"--not that that's a bad thing!
