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Barbecued Turkey Drumsticks

(From the Iowa Turkey Federation Cookbook)
Everyone loves turkey breast because it is so lean, but the drumsticks are great, too!  This is a delicious way to enjoy them at home! I made a few modifications to the recipe and they turned out great.



2 cloves garlic

2 cups chili sauce OR ketchup ( I did 1/2 cup chili sauce and 1 1/2 cups ketchup; it would have been way too spicy with the full amount of chili sauce)

1/2 cup vegetable oil

1/3 cup cider vinegar

1/4 cup chopped onion

1 1/2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce

1/2 teaspoon salt

1/4 teaspoon black pepper

1/2 teaspoon dried thyme leaves

4 turkey drumsticks (8 ounces each)

1. Wash hands.
2. In a small saucepan, combine all ingredients except turkey. Simmer, uncovered, over low heat for 15-20 minutes. Reserve 1 cup of sauce. Set aside.
3. Arrange turkey drumsticks in foil-lined roasting pan. Pour remaining barbecue sauce over turkey. Cover and marinate for two hours in refrigerator. Turn drumsticks occasionally in sauce. Remove from refrigerator and discard marinade. (I marinated them in the refrigerator overnight.)
4. Spray grill with nonstick spray. Grill drumsticks over indirect medium heat until browned, about 7 minutes on each side. Turn and baste frequently with reserved sauce.
5. Continue to grill over low heat about 1 hour or until meat thermometer registers 180 degrees Fahrenheit.
At steps 4 and 5, I baked them in the oven, covered, at 325 degrees Fahrenheit until they were almost 180 degrees (about 1 1/2 hours) and then finished the drumsticks on the grill (about 15 minutes).
Served with green beans and corn bread makes a delicious meal!
Nutritional information for turkey drumstick, baked, with skin (does not include sauce):

170 calories

8 g total fat

2 g saturated fat

70 mg cholesterol

75 mg sodium

23 g protein

vn9q2jozAnn is a Registered Dietitian who loves to cook, scour the earth for new recipes and share her love of all things food with family and friends. She has worked in food service for four years, including two years in India, where she has gained a vast knowledge of what it takes to serve the good food that people need in a safe manner. Turkey is a low fat, low sodium protein option. Its functionality makes a simple yet satisfying meal. Outside of the kitchen, Ann loves reading, hosting friends and family, and travelling to new and exciting places.

Shared at: Tuts and Tips not to Miss 

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  1. These look so good and I know I would love them but I also know my husband wouldn't eat drumsticks. That means more for me! Thanks for the recipe.

  2. Love Turkey Drumsticks - this is a recipe we will definitely try soon!

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