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Decorate with Color, but Without a Color Scheme

I’ve noticed a trend lately in the blogosphere, and I love it.There have been all kinds of beautiful, sophisticated rooms full of different colors!
I admit, for the past few years, I’ve stuck so rigidly to certain color schemes, it would bother me if the family photos I displayed weren’t in that color scheme.  I hid away photo albums and scrapbooks if they didn’t fit the scheme.  The Iowa State throws and light blue baby blankets didn’t match the living room – Get ‘em outta there!

But now, I’m turning over a new leaf.  In my dining room, I decided to decorate with color, but WITHOUT a set color scheme.

img_5874It has been so freeing. 
I can put my favorite books on the shelves, I can display my favorite family photos, and I don’t have to stress about everything “matching.”

Here are some other beautiful, colorful-without-a-color-scheme rooms I’ve spotted lately.
Emily A. Clark’s home office is the perfect example of this.

And this dining room, recently featured on Young House Love.

The keys to doing this successfully:
1.  Start with a very neutral background.  White, tan and gray are very popular, but other colors, like yellow or light blue will work, too.

2.  Give the eye a place to rest. Blocks of color keep things a bit less hectic.  My white dishes help balance the colorful fruit and storage boxes.

3.  Disperse a kazillion different colors throughout the room.  How simple is that?

What do you think?  Do you love this colorful trend?

Shared at: Wow us Wednesdays  
Tutorials and Tips not to Miss 
Metamorphosis Monday

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  1. Awesome Post! I love it - doesn't this make decorating so much more simple?! Now, not to over-think it! :) Btw... are you enjoying this weather, or what?! I noticed your curtains blowing in the breeze!

  2. I do love this style of decorating...however in our bathroom I'm am sticking to blue, teal/turquoise, and green. Perhaps in other rooms I'll be a little more free!

  3. Okay, I love this! I haven't ever really even decorated with a color scheme because I have such difficulty choosing one! My latest (planned, not yet executed) theme is basically "rainbow" because I love all the colors...

  4. I don't know that I'd say I don't have any color scheme, but my color schemes tend to encompass a lot of colors. My living room has light blue, aqua, navy blue, pink, red, emerald green, light green, brown, yellow, cream and white in it, just to give the ones off the top of my head. There are also metallic finishes in silver, gold and brass and a few different wood colors. I tend to think that most colors don't really clash, though, so I take a more the merrier approach.

  5. I love this way of thinking. I'm definitely a color-lover but find myself getting locked into certain color schemes in different rooms. Going to mix it up a bit!

  6. great inspiration pics, and i really like this color scheme free idea!

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    1. You can decorate with colour but without colour it can be decorated the post is very useful

  8. You can also make your own pillow cases with different colors. For me, I prefer using a yellow textile when making my own pillow case for my living room. It also complements well with a black sofa. Anyway, I look forward to reading more of your factual posts about home improvements and decorations.

