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Worried about how your food is produced?

It seems like more and more people are.

And while more and more are worried, fewer and fewer have a direct link to a farm where that food is produced.


That’s why I volunteered for Common Ground.

imageCommon Ground is a grassroots organization of farm women who have volunteered to help answer your biggest questions about food production.

  • Why do farmers use antibiotics?
  • Are pesticides on my food safe?
  • What are GMOs and are they okay to eat?

For too long, the media has been the only one trying to answer these questions.  And because fear sells, they haven’t been very reassuring. 

But we believe that no one can answer your food questions better than the people who grow it. We have the answers to these questions and more.


So, let Common Ground be your direct link back to the farm. 

We are a network of wives and moms who are experts on how food is produced, and we want to talk to you about agriculture in the US.  Come to us when you are worried about your food and we will use our firsthand knowledge of how food is produced to answer your questions honestly.


Together, we can bridge the gap between the farm and the table, and find some Common Ground.

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  1. Sharing the link as a great resource tool! Keep the good words coming!

  2. Shared! While I know this is US based, there's so many people here who live in the cities who have no real idea about where our food comes from.

  3. What a great idea and resource! I'm saving it to check out later, during naptime :)

  4. Also, love the (new?) header. It's been awhile since I've been over and really paying attention, so even if it's not new, I love it :)
