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Keep it Simple, Make it Meaningful: Valentine’s Day

I have a new motto for holidays, and by new, I mean that I came up with it yesterday afternoon.

Keep it Simple, Make it Meaningful.


Last year for Valentine’s Day, we made these adorable thumbprint Valentines.  But to be honest, I did most of the work, and it was pretty frustrating.  Getting a 2 1/2 year old to make a pretty fingerprint was nearly impossible.

This year, I wanted to include Adam again, but I didn’t want to provoke a melt down or force him to do something he wasn’t interested in.  I thought maybe he could cut out hearts and write his friends’ initials on them, but had to abandon that idea quickly.  After he labored to cut out one heart from paper and colored another and declared he didn’t want to do anymore, I got a little frustrated.  So we gave up on that, and decided to make cookies for the people he loves.


Now, I realize that baking cookies might not seem simple.  But we’ve made cookies before and he’s pretty good at it, so this wasn’t a stressful activity at all. And our time at the kitchen counter gave us a chance to talk about what Valentine’s Day means and list people that we love. Then, he guided me while I decorated the cookies and finally he decided exactly which cookie would go to each person.


So, even if the world (and blogs, and pinterest, and your friends on facebook) make you feel as though you need to go all out for every holiday, don’t be afraid to

Keep it Simple and Make it Meaningful


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  1. I am super impressed! After realizing that each child (3) would have to make 17 valentines to give one to just family - we bought boxes!
    Still, the 4 year old enjoyed signing her name, and the 2 year old enjoyed scribbling his, and the baby, well, yeah, those are from me!
    Awesome job on making it meaningful!

  2. Katie

    I love it ... Keep it Simple and Make it Meaningful!
    A great motto for us adults too! Sometimes, we just need to stop, take a deep breath and simplify!

    Thanks for the reminder.

  3. Cute. I'm thinking about making cookies with my daughter for her friends.


  4. I love this!!! I am all about making it meaningful (even though I do go over the top and not so simple sometimes!). It is my goal to create traditions and memories that will last a lifetime and carry through for her family! Great motto!

  5. I've got cupcakes ready to ice and decorate and whoopie pies to fill and roll in sprinkles. Guess whose kids said their mom would make goodies for tomorrow's parties! AND there are guys replacing all the glass in my sun room AND Tink has a ball game tonight AND I haven't had a shower yet AND I need to go pick them up at school in 20 minutes. At least I did get in a 35 minute walk this morning after helping the hubs feed calves and all the other critters. Calgon take me away!

  6. I know how you feel with the thumbprints! I tried to get my three-year-old to make handprint ceramic ornaments for grandparents last year and it was the most frustrating thing ever! I love the cookies, including him is so wonderful!

  7. Great motto! I think I shall adopt it :)

  8. Thanks for the reminder. I had grand plans for Matthew's fist Valentine, but you know what, it's just not happening because there's not enough hours in the day. So, I will just smoother him with extra kisses today. :)
