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Help name this blog!


Okay, folks…I’m planning a little blog update. Dropping the “.blogspot” and a new header.  But I have a question and I’d like your honest input.


This sign has hung in the entryway of our house for a loooonnngg time.  Like, 20-30 years.  The creek really is called “Squaw Creek” and we call our farm Squaw Creek Farm.  The name is kind of a nod to the past, and I want to honor that…



…but I know that the word “squaw” isn’t exactly politically correct.  And I definitely don’t want to offend anyone.


So, I’m thinking about dropping the “squaw” and changing the name, but I’m kind of torn.  What do you think?

I’m going to put a little poll on the side of the blog here, so that you can give your opinion anonymously.  But I would love to hear your honest opinions and suggestions in the comments section.

Would you like to comment?

  1. I love the name of your blog! I also don't find it offensive at all. It's like it's a part of history.

  2. I vote to keep it!


  3. I love the name of your blog! I also don't find it offensive at all. It's like it's a part of history.

  4. LOVE the name - LEAVE IT!!!!
    and until I read that 'squaw' wasn't pc it actually never occured to me - I just figured that it was the name of the creek!

  5. Keep it! It's a part of who you are as a family and a business. You mean no disrespect, and I don't think any was taken.

  6. I'm going to say change it if YOU want to, not because it's offensive but because you are finding maybe your blog is going in a different direction than you first imagined or maybe you have thought of a different name you like better. Whatever you decide, do it for YOU! I did change the name of my blog when I dropped the blogspot part and I'm happy I did. When I first named my blog I had a vision for it and after blogging for a while, the vision for my blog changed and so then did the name. Good luck with whatever you decide!

  7. I love your blog name. It makes me think of Laura Ingalls Wilder, On the Banks of Silver... Something or Other. :) It would be different if you had just arbitrarily chosen the name, but it has meaning to your life and your home, so I see no reason to change it, unless you really want to.

  8. As Lorene said, I immediately thought of the book "On the Banks of Plum Creek" (part of the Little House on the Prairie series). It is where your home is and the creek's name isn't likely to change anytime soon. So, if you are happy with it, keep it. I am rather fond of it. :)

  9. I
    I also like you name but if you feel that you need to update to a more modern header or change your house to reflect today then you should do that. I like your blog we get into a habit of recognizing our pages so if you change you would loss that Good luck what ever you do

  10. I like your name! I think it fits so well. I always think of Laura Ingalls Wilder. :)

  11. I like the name too!! it's memorable and unique~ :)

  12. I like the name. If it's the name of the creek it's the name of the creek--maybe it's not PC, but it's accurate.

  13. I really like the name of your blog. I don't think you should change it unless you really want to.

  14. You can't change it! It is part of you!

  15. I like the name, too. IF someone objects, they can read a different blog. But that's the name, and it's part of your charm. :)

  16. Unless you are going to change the name of the creek, don't change the name of your blog. People in Iowa (particularly Central Iowa) have heard of Squaw Creek (it has flooded Ames a few times!). It's the name. Leave it. Also, as ann said, you might lose some following if your name changes (Especially since you let the "world" know of your blog on Van and Bonnie).

    Side note: Your husband seems like a great guy - hard-working, wonderful with your children, and handsome to boot! You are one lucky lady!!

  17. Keep the name. When I first saw your blog name, I was immediately drawn to a vision of peaceful, hardworking, and simple ideas. Also, I would make every effort to find as much history as I could about Squaw Creek, how it got it's name, happenings on the creek, length of the creek, etc. Then when someone asks you'll have a ready discussion that would make one feel involved with their surroundings. I find it interesting that you've had this sign for so long and want to change it.
    Perhaps it's something within that you feel is changing.

  18. Please don't change the blog name unless you really want to. This name is part of your family history this is who you are. Our society has gone off the deep end with political correctness. Please don't give in to a political agenda!

  19. I didn't even think of it not being politically correct. You seem to have a pretty well-established following so I'd keep the name! :)

  20. Squaw Creek is an important part of your farm and family heritage. It is part of who you are and who you and your farmily are becoming.

    The "squaw" thing crossed my mind, but who knows why the Pioneers named things the way they did. I am not offended.

  21. I LOVE the name! It's part of your heritage -- don't change a thing!
