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Factory or Family?

I have to admit, when we started farming, I didn’t realize that people considered our farm a “factory farm.”  To me, it was (and still is) a family farm.

Yes, our buildings are large. 
Yes, we have a lot of livestock. 
Yes, we take advantage of the latest technology to ensure that our birds are comfortable and healthy.
Yes, the family farm looks different than it did 50 years ago. 

But 98% of American farms are still family owned. 

And really, do we look like a factory?

(Family photo courtesy Photography by Becca)

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  1. Thanks for the post. I bought ground turkey this week and thought of you. If we're ever up your way, we'd love to say hi!

  2. Great post!! Love the picture at the end!! Your boys are ADORABLE!!!

  3. Great message! You have a beautiful family!

  4. love this. you'd think with as much national media in Iowa over the last year, someone could've actually noticed that while out driving past all of the "factories" out there. ;)

  5. Definitely not a factory. Unless your product is just adorable boys ;)

  6. Not seeing the factory, but I do see what we said about the wagon! What a sweet picture of you guys! I had so much fun visiting with you. Send me some pics when you get a chance! I know you are glad to be home with your babies!

  7. Great pictures. Your family is growing up.

  8. Love it that you are breaking down the myths and mysteries. Love your family pic!

  9. I am not a nature girl at all, but I so relate to a family owned business situation. My family poured our heart and soul into our family business for 40 years and even though it was profitable, it was taken away from us without compensation. We tried to fight it, but with the bankruptcy laws, we had limited options. It about broke my parents' hearts. I compared it to folks losing their family farm. If you didn't grow up with a family business then I don't think ppl can get how much sacrifice goes into keeping a family business going. It is your home. It is personal, it is not just a business.

    I understand your frustration that the media don't highlight how farming is still a family business and focus instead on the big businesses in the food industry.

    Good reminder to folks of the other story of American farming.

    btw, I am visiting after you left a lovely comment on my blog. Thanks for the encouragement.

    Eldarose from http://RE-inventedstyle.blogspot.com
