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Word of the Year: Intentional


I’m not sure where I first heard of this idea, but I love it.  Instead of making New Years’ Resolutions, you choose a word that will guide you through the year.

Last year’s word was PRODUCTIVE.  Fall of 2010, I had terrible morning sickness.  I spent a few months just laying on the couch, and taking Benadryl to help me sleep through the nausea.  In early 2011 (or maybe late 2010), my husband sat down and had a little talk with me.  Basically, he told me that since the nausea was gone, the laziness needed to leave, too.  He was very kind and gentle about it, but I cried and cried.  Mostly because I knew that he was right.  I was be lazy – and not because of morning sickness at that point – just because of habit.



So, I tried to be more PRODUCTIVE and I think I was.  I kept my house a little cleaner, spent less time on the internet, and did some house projects that I’m pretty darn proud of.  I (mostly) broke my bad habit of laziness.

Source: marykatemcdevitt.com via Katie on Pinterest


This year, I’m going to build on that.  This year’s word is INTENTIONAL.

I pinned this a long time ago, and even shared it here, and I’ve continued to think about it almost daily.


Source: flickr.com via Katie on Pinterest

I realized that if I want to change anything – my habits, my home, my parenting, my body – I was going to have to be more INTENTIONAL about it.  It’s not enough to say, “I’m going to start exercising.”  Instead, I need to be more specific and intentional.  “I’m going to do a workout video during Isaac’s morning nap on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.”

Right now, I’m focusing on food (cooking it, eating it, planning meals, planning shopping,) exercise, and simply completing my to-do list. 

So what’s your word for the year?  One of my friends decided that her word is “simplify.”  Another chose “progress.”  Layla, from The Lettered Cottage, chose “up.”  But if none of those sounds good to you, head over to TLC for “This Little Word of Mine.”


But first,




(just kidding.)

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  1. You just gave me a great lesson plan idea. Thanks Katie!

  2. Katie, I think your word "intention" fits for me this year as well. Thanks for the inspiration.

  3. Your word and the sentiment behind it resonates with me. It's so hard to be disciplined and motivated when your main job is keeping two little guys fed, clothed, warm, safe, nurtured, stimulated... and it never ends! We've fallen into a routine around here, but I think I could do better. As always! Best wishes!
