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Iowa and the Caucuses: Two Things I Want You to Know


#1.  Your vote counts.  EVERY vote counts.  The Iowa Caucuses were won by 8 votes.  EIGHT VOTES!  Crazy


#2: Iowa has been described rather negatively in the national press lately, but THIS is the Iowa I know and LOVE.

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  1. That is a clever and effective video. Smart. Anyone that judges a place based off of political media coverage isn't... Keep holding your head high ;)

  2. Hi Katie
    It was nice meeting you today - or at least visiting with you on the phone. Great blog!
    My blog address is http://suzannecommonground.blogspot.com/
    stop in and check it out when you have time. See you in a couple of weeks.

  3. Oh, yes. I can't even count the number I've times I've been asked if we all grow corn or live on a farm.

  4. Katie. Yes we all should vote .Politics is cruel sometimes.. They just want to make a story to sell media

  5. True that! I'm always so proud to be an Iowan on caucus night!

  6. If I care about an issue or a candidate I always vote. I may not always win but I know I offered my vote and tried to make it happen.
