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Bart’s Word of the Year: Progress

On New Year’s Eve, Bart and I put the kids to bed early, and spent the evening together in our living room.  We talked about 2011, and made plans for 2012.  We shared our goals and things that we hope to change.  I told him about my word of the year, and he started to think about what his word might be.

After much discussion he landed on one word: Progress.

I think it’s the perfect word for him.  Raising turkeys offers a lot of opportunities for progress and improvement.  Every 2 months, we get a new flock, and I don’t think he’s “managed” or raised any two flocks exactly the same way.  With each new flock comes a chance to tweak things that might increase energy efficiency, decrease stress on the turkeys, keep the barns cleaner and improve our farm in a variety of other ways.  He is constantly trying to improve things…
…and constantly making progress.

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  1. I just saw this idea of a Word for the Year on another blog I follow, and I am really liking the idea. The one that pops out first is Simplify. Sounds like a good place to start! Progress is a great word for a farmer. Keep us posted on how it all goes!
