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Microwaving and Metaphors

Adam and I spent a couple hours yesterday doing some holiday baking microwaving.

We started with some microwave fudge.  This has been a holiday favorite of mine for several years, and couldn’t be easier!  I use the microwave version of this recipe: 

Then, we moved on to the microwave caramels, and Adam broke out some creative figurative language.  He exclaimed that the Karo syrup looked just like a magnifying glass, and then a few minutes later, chanted, “We’re packing down a sand castle, we’re packing down a sand castle” while we measured the brown sugar.

Microwave Caramels--literally mix ingredients and stir...wow!  I will have to try this.
Last but not least, we made some almond bark pretzels.  Our pretzels were Christmas tree shaped, and I had to laugh when Adam told me that “The trees are so pretty with their ice cubes on them!”  Yes, Adam, the salt does look like mini ice cubes!


When all the yummies were done, we had a Christmas celebration for my mom’s family.  It was a great night!


Merry Microwaving and Happy Holidays!

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  1. Thats the same fudge my family has been making my whole life. YUM! I've never tried the microwave. I'm going to have to!

    You look skinny fabulous.

  2. Looks yummy! We've been dealing with a second round of illness in our house, so we've been avoiding all of the Christmas treats--no fun! Your oldest sounds a lot like mine!

  3. Beautiful pictures! I need to get microwave recipes for all the Christmas goodies I make, that would make my life so much easier, lol.

  4. Katie,

    Thanks for stopping by my blog! I look forward to catching up & following yours! Your boys are gorgeous!

  5. So easy! I have to try those caramels. How did they taste?

  6. I haven't stopped by in a while.
    I can't believe how big your baby is now!
    I hope you have a Merry Christmas!

  7. LOVE all your pictures! Looks like everyone had a very Merry Christmas, and you have the makings of a great little helper in the kitchen. What an imaginative mind! His metaphors were awesome!
