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An Inbitation

"Do you know what inbite means?  It means you inbite someone to bisit you."

(That stunningly intellectual definition is courtesy of Adam.)

Today, I'd like to extend an inbitation to bisit someone other than myself. 

First up, Erin from His & Hers.  She is hilarious and has a fresh, fun decorating style.  I hearby declare her blog to be the next Young House Love.  Plus, her house is oooold, like older-than-mine old.

Next, another old house, tight budget, and great sense of humor.  The Kiefer Cottage desperately needs followers, so they can get some sponsors, so they can buy some wickedly expensive Anthropology wallpaper to cover some of the wood paneling in their house.  (And if you know the same Kiefer family that I know, you will do a double take when you see Starr's picture.  She looks like a long lost sister!) Here's a lovely before picture to show you what they're dealing with.

Finally, Aubrey from All Things Bright and Beautiful deserves a shout-out because she leaves the most "bright and beautiful" comments.  Seriously, this gal is the BEST follower.  She also has a wonderful blog full of eye candy.

So there ya go.  Even better than inbiting myself over to your house, I inbited you to someone else's!

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  1. Thanks for the shout-out, Katie! I don't know about living up to YHL...but your nomination is too sweet. :) AND thank you for the inbitation, of course, to check out those other blogs--Kiefer Cottage is new to me!

  2. Thanks Katie! We're just tickled pink to be in such good company. But we won't let it go to our heads. Promise.

  3. Thanks for commenting on my mirror molding post. :) Don't you just LOVE your miter saw, I adore mine! This is the first one I've ever had with a laser light...woo hoo! lol
    Oh and thanks for the inbite. :)

  4. Hello, How do I get in touch with you? There is no email or contact info listed .. please advise .. thanks .. Mary. Please contact me maryregency at gmail dot com
