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He thinks he's a firefighter...

Washing machinery is pretty important around here. And it takes a lot of time.

So I guess it makes sense that Bart is teaching Adam how to do it.

I mean, that's the whole reason we keep having kids.  We're trying to grow our own workforce.

And it's totally cool if he thinks he's putting out a fire, right?  Right.

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  1. Adorable! And we all have to have goals in life, right? (c: I can definitely think of worse things for him to want to be...my son told me he wants to raise dinosaurs when he's older...Don't worry, he knows they are extinct, he just doesn't care! (c:

  2. Ha, a friend asked once why we wanted so many kids. "Well someone's gotta work the farm when we're old!" Haha. Being related is a per-requisite to work here too so. . .

  3. Oh how so cute! I just love reading thru all your entries and just realized you are also from Iowa! I am near Cedar Falls on a small farm. Our "town" is called Holland. We bought the family farm 2 years ago and have been remodeling it ever since. I love seeing old photos of your grandpa's farm and the history it entails.

