I have enjoyed this party sooo much, so here is one of my favorite rooms (and the only one finished enough to show you.) All of these pictures have been posted before, but here they are again!
Here’s a little Before and After for you:
This is the living room in our 100 (or 102 now, I guess) year old farm house.
My mother in law put up that wallpaper back when it was cool. The green “caterpillar” carpet was heavy, heavy wool that was installed for one of the previous tenant’s son’s graduation in 1968.
The plan was to take down wallpaper and paint. And soon, we were doing this:
Oh yeah, it also ruined the siding, so we were also doing this:
And while we were at it, we found this:
It is a vine that was growing through the rotten siding, through the wall to the 2nd floor. 2nd floor! Crazy!
Eventually we (and by we, I mean my fabulous Dad and husband. I think that’s my dad on the left and husband on the right, but they look an awful lot alike in this pic) got it looking looking like this.
And after owning the house for two years, and living here for 20 months, it finally looks like this!
Here is a different “coffee table” as of April.
See that gorg-e-o-so floor? Turns out that wool carpet was just protecting it for us! It was perfect!