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Build #likeagirl

I’ve never been very athletically inclined. I faked headaches to get out of PE, where I was called “Butterfingers” by my classmates.  When we played kickball, the pitcher yelled, “Move in!” to the outfielders when I was up to the plate.  As a college cheerleader, I stood and flinched while a basketball flew at (and hit) my head. Last summer, I improved my throwing technique by watching my son’s t-ball practice.
I’m part of the reason there is a #likeagirl stereotype in sports.
But last summer, I also had a breakthrough.  I caught a pop fly in a family kickball game…a definite first for me.  A few plays later, I not only caught the ball, but I actually dove and rolled to do it.  (I also happened to roll in one of the other dad’s chew spit, but that’s another story.)  That night, my friend’s 8 year old son made a list of his “Ultimate Kickball Team” and I was on it.
It has been decades since I played kickball in school, and it’s taken me that long to build up my confidence enough to even try to play the sport.  And you know what? When I forgot about the stereotypes and humiliation of my childhood, I played pretty well!

It may have taken me a long time to break out of the #likeagirl stereotype for sports, but power tools are another story.  Maybe it’s because I grew up watching Tim the ToolMan Taylor with my dad, or maybe it’s that full toolbox he sent with me to college.  More than likely, it’s my own stubborn and impatient attitude that led me to learn how to do things for myself, instead of waiting for someone else to do them for me.
I’ve been building #likeagirl for a couple of years now, and I’ve gradually increased my repertoire of power tools to include a drill, jigsaw, reciprocating saw, compound miter saw, nail gun and circular saw.
And it’s paid off in a big way.
(Click on each photo to see more pictures.)
My own house is better organized…
stuffed animal zooimg_9193[9]bookshelf dresser
I’ve helped my friends decorate for their wedding…
Created custom art for my office…
2014_09_15_14_22_35(rev 1)[3]
And made a little money selling what I’ve built…
IMG_5269-1993(rev 0)[3]

Most importantly, I get incredible personal satisfaction knowing that I can make anything I want, building #likeagirl

Shared at: Talented Tuesday 

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  1. Wow! That's a very impressive list of projects! I'm not quite as comfortable with power tools as you are, but I'm working on it! Thanks so much for sharing at Talented Tuesdays!
