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Top 10 Posts

top posts of 2014

It’s that time of year – time to look over the accomplishments of the past 12 months and see, well, if I accomplished anything!
According to you, my readers, my biggest accomplishment was replying to Food Babe’s inaccurate info about your Thanksgiving turkey.  The runner up was some art I made out of garbage reclaimed wood for my office.  And, well, you can read the rest.
These are the top 10 posts of 2014, with the most popular (most pageviews) at #1.
My Family Farm - cover with bleed
The one where I announced that my non-fiction children’s book was published! 
The one where I shared my friends’ gorgeous and rustic wedding décor.
The one where I declared I was going to do NaNoWriMo.
7. Top 10 Things I’ve Learned about Agriculture

The one where I spilled my guts about everything I’ve learned in the past 5 years.
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6.  Sad HomeShed News

The one where I told you all that The HomeShed was closing and why.
5. Master Bedroom Reveal

The one where I folded the giant mountain of laundry that lives in my bedroom so that I could take pictures.
4.  Does antibiotic use on farms affect your health?

The one where I explained how we use antibiotics, how they are regulated, and how they affect humans.
farm ultrasound
3.  Baby #3

The one that made you all super excited, only to realize I was talking about our farm.
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2.  DIY Pottery Barn Inspired Reclaimed Wood Wall Art

The one where I tore apart pallets to make some gorgeous wall art for my office.
1.  Ractopamine: My Response to Food Babe

The one where I explained how turkey farmers really use ractopamine. (Spoiler alert: they don’t.)
How about some more enduring favorites? 
Here are the top posts from the last 3 years:

Shared at: Sand and Sisal