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Inspiration for the New Year

I hope you all had a Merry Christmas.  We certainly did – the days have been full of family, food, and my boys’ favorite – PRESENTS! 

We also tried to focus on the reason for the season.  Isaac wants to know why Jesus can’t eat cake, and Adam prayed to the Easter Bunny spontaneously during breakfast on Christmas morning. (Okay, so we have a ways to go…it’s a start!)

Anyway, with the New Year upon us, I decided to take some of my favorite inspiration quotes and make them into pretty, printable art.  I was feeling a “grain-sack” theme here, and used Pantone’s Color of the Year for 2015 – Marsala.

These printables are a free gift for my email subscribers.  In order to download the files, you must sign up for my email list below.  After you sign up, you’ll get a confirmation email that has the link to download the printables. (Check your spam folder if you don’t see it right away.)  Any questions, just let me know in the comments!

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Happy New Year,

Click on each picture to see more of my original Word Art (free printables!)

8x10wordart - Page 093 8x10wordart - Page 046 the plans
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10x8 word arts - Page 034 10x8 word arts - Page 029 palest ink
Irish Blessings - Page 001 Irish Blessings - Page 003 Irish Blessings - Page 002

Shared at Sand & Sisal