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My Family’s Farm: Non-fiction Children’s Book about Turkey Farms

Drum roll, please…




Okay – I really meant to just write a blog post introducing the non-fiction children’s book I wrote, but I’m just too excited for a dry, boring, “this is what I wrote and this is why I wrote it” post.

So, instead, you get some intense gushing emotion.

I wrote a book.  And it’s done.  And I’m proud of it.

And I found a partner (Iowa Turkey Federation) to sponsor the printing, so I can GIVE IT AWAY to K and 1st grade teachers in Iowa.

(It’s surprising they agreed to work with me, considering how often I start a sentence with “and.”)

So yeah, it’s just a children’s book.

And it’s just non-fiction.

And it’s self-published, not regular-published.

But I don’t care.

The way I see it, I’m well on my way to being my generation’s Laura Ingalls Wilder, sharing my life on the prairie with children around the world. (Right?)

My Family Farm - Page 005

Now, the nitty gritty details:

Age range: 4+

I included two sections of text on each page.  The first section is in Adam’s voice, and is meant for younger kids.  The other section is more detailed background information appropriate for older students (3rd grade through 6th grade.)

Availability: FREE online version found here
Printed version for K & 1st grade teachers in Iowa FREE here
Printed version available to the rest of the world soon for a nominal fee

Bonus material: Free printable Thanksgiving and farm materials here

What’s that? You want to read the online version?  I set up a page on my blog just for that!

Please, feel free to share, pin, and give me some feedback (as long as it’s positive and contributes to my gushing emotions, okay?)

Katie Olthoff, Author

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  1. Amazing! Congratulations! I can't wait to read it with my boys!

  2. I'm so proud of you Katie! What to go!

  3. This is great! This is great because a) you wrote it! b) it's non-fiction, which is a must in schools these days and c) I want this for my Illinois K-1 classrooms involved in Ag in the Classroom in my county. When can I order.

    Congrats!!!! Way to make a dream come true.

  4. WOW! Love it! Great work Katie!

  5. That is totally awesome! I love how you said "considering how many times I start a sentence with and" Ha ha. Sounds like me. This must be a dream come true. Your son reminds me of my son in the photos. Way to go! I pinned it and will show the online version to my kids when they get home.

  6. That is so awesome. Way to go girl. Thanks for sharing what we do (my husband is a turkey farmer too) in a positive way. So many times the farmer is portrayed as the bad guy abusing the land. NOTHING could be further from the truth. Blessings from Missouri!!!

  7. What a wonderful subject for a nonfiction book! :)

  8. Thanks for sharing your book in the Kid Lit Blog Hop! How exciting! :-)

  9. I have a children's book about farming coming out in January and I was wondering if you would like to exchange books and post reviews about each others books. If you are interested, check me out on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/thestoryoftheuniquesheep) or on our website (http://thestoryoftheuniquesheep.com)
