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Blogger Book Club: Dark Places

You guys, I did it.  I read a whole book last month (actually, I read two!)

I saw that some of my favorite bloggers started a book club, and I decided to join in. These gals are all home décor/DIY bloggers most of the time, but started a book club as a fun way to read with friends.

In August, we read Dark Places by Gillian Flynn.  I haven’t read any other novels by this author, who also wrote Gone Girl, so I didn’t really know what to expect.

What’d I think of Dark Places?  Well, it was…um…dark.  I love mysteries, but usually from the detective's point of view. This story focused on the victims’ family and the events that led up to the family’s murder. It was a sad story, with amazingly believable characters, and for me, it was just too much.  The characters’ pain, both before and after the murders, were too intense for me, especially knowing that there was no happy ending.

That said, Gillian Flynn is an amazing author, and I really enjoyed the background about the farm crisis and how it led to the devastation of a family.  It feels wrong to say I enjoyed reading about the farm crisis, but it was just so interesting to hear how it affected this family.  Although I wasn’t born until 1984 and didn’t start farming until 2009, the farm crisis of the 80s had a big impact on my family and agriculture in our area.

I know from a few emails back and forth that at least a couple of my fellow book clubbers liked this book more than I did, so be sure to check out their reviews, too!

Carmel @ Our Fifth House
Kirby @ Kirb Appeal
Cassie @ Primitive and Proper
Next month’s pick: Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty

Read along with us, or suggest a book for our club.  It’s my turn to pick in October and I’m so far out of the reading loop, I don’t even know where to start!

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  1. I'm so glad you joined us! I grew up in a farming community, but moved out in the early '80s, so the "rain on the scarecrow" thing wasn't a part of what I knew. I like the book because it wrapped up the loose ends, which the others have not done as well. Again--welcome!!

  2. Glad you are reading! I'm reading "The Antelope in the Living Room" by Melanie Shankle right now and am really enjoying it! And it would be something different from what you're reading right now.

    1. VAL! Just saw this comment again...funny thing is that I picked up that book and read it, even though I didn't remember your recommendation!

  3. So glad you joined our book club! I've read all of her books and this was definitely the darkest. I'm excited for September's book!

  4. Enjoy your reading! If you're like me, it'll keep you up too late but it will be worth it. I am on Goodreads if you want some reviews to choose from. :)

  5. Books require someone to read the book. Some feels that if you don't have a group of readers you don't have anything except a bunch of paper with type on it.
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