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Filled with Love, Joy and Peace


I tend towards “anticipatory stress,” as I like to call it.  When I know that I’m going to have a busy few days, or a large to-do list, I start to freak out a bit.

The last few days have been like that for me.  Starting last Thursday and ending late (LATE) this Friday night, things have been (and are going to be) a whirlwind of go, go, go and “major project deadline” and fly-to-Florida-to-speak-at-a-conference.

Saturday morning, I read this devotion, and I felt like it was written just for me.  Like it truly was Jesus calling me…

From Jesus Calling: Enjoying Peace in His Presence

April 5

Let Me fill you with my Love, Joy and Peace.  These are Glory-gifts, flowing from My Living Presence.  Though you are an earthen vessel, I designed you to be filled with heavenly contents.  Your weakness is not a deterrent to being filled with My Spirit; on the contrary, it provides an opportunity for My Power to shine forth more brightly.

As you go through this day, trust Me to provide the strength that you need moment by moment.  Don’t waste energy wondering whether you are adequate for today’s journey.  My Spirit within you is more than sufficient to handle whatever this day may bring.  That is the basis for your confidence! In quietness (spending time alone with Me) and confident trust (relying on My sufficiency) is your strength.

And, for the most part, I’ve managed to stay filled with Love, Joy, and Peace since then.  God has provided me the strength and focus that I needed to get my to-do list done.  And now, I’m about four hours ahead of schedule before meetings and travel start tomorrow, and I’m going to go spend the afternoon in the sunshine working at The HomeShed.


love, joy, peace jesus calling

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  1. I really needed this reminder! I have to remember one day at a time and not to freak out about the stuff I can't control. I'm also a planner. Good luck at your conference!

    1. Thanks! My other favorite is the serenity prayer.
