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Vintage Map Desk


I worked on a lot of different furniture projects this summer, but didn’t take time to post them, so now it’s time to play catch up!


I bought this desk at a garage sale several years ago.  It was sturdy, but not really cute. 



But now, after a little TLC, I think it’s much better looking!


I started by filling the drawer pull holes with wood filler, and then painting it with a Valspar Spray Paint. 


Finally, I modpodged pages from a vintage atlas to the top.  (I found the atlas at Antiques Iowa, a nearby antique mall where you can find almost ANYTHING you want!)  New white knobs and it was done!




The desk was at The HomeShed’s first sale, but it didn’t sell, so it’s still available!

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  1. A teacher at our school here in Iowa would love this desk.She wants one for the student teacher that she has now so she can have her own desk... Maybe you should put a note in the teachers lounge in the school near you. Some teacher would love this..ta ta for now from Iowa:)

  2. Nice creativity.....the look of your product is amazing and the interior of the room is so nice..Specially first product is the best in these collection. bowling green furniture stores
