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First Day of Preschool

This is it!  Today’s the day!

September 2008:



September 2009:

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September 2010:



September 2011:



September 2012:

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  1. My first started preschool today too! She's in an afternoon class, so I'm waiting to go pick her up. She was so excited she would hardly hold still for pictures! Hope yours loved it!

  2. That happened so fast!!! He was just a little bitty guy not too long ago! I feel your pain, Jemma left for her first whole day of school. I didn't cry too much! Well, maybe... but whatever! I just picked her up and want to debrief her, but she has a friend over. I will get the scoop soon! Why do these precious things have to grow up so fast???

    I hope Adam had a great first day!!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Very nice Katie! Good luck with the new routine of Adam going to preschool. Love it how he wants to be not just a farmer, but a turkey farmer when he grows up!

  5. Time flies, doesn't it? I hope he had a great first day!

  6. What a handsome little preschooler! Love the close ups by the tree, especially the first one. His expression is priceless!
