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Subway Word Art

I’ve been seeing Subway art all over the blogosphere for a long time, and I finally broke down and made my own!
olthoff grunge 

 andersonanniversaryadam's word artisaac's word artolthoff family sign

I used Storybook Creator Plus (from Creative Memories) to make them, and then ordered them on matte photo paper from the Creative Memories Digital Center.  They’ll be here later this week. 

The red and blue will go on each of the boys’ bedroom doors (maybe…if Isaac’s room ever gets done!)  The Anderson one is a gift for my grandparents, and the turquoise Olthoff print will be framed in my living room, opposite the turquoise chairs.  Can’t wait to get it on the wall!
For more word art ideas, check out my friend Kathy’s Facebook page: Kathy’s Kreations. And I have more that my friend Julie made.   (I added the watermark to protect their work – they have these for sale.)
we do familyReal Deals Page Prints - Page 008

Mother word artcabinpatriotic word art
What do you think? Which is your favorite? Any other “theme” ideas for word art? I made a couple for gifts, but of course I can’t post them here (at least until I get them delivered!)

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  1. Did you order them as photo panels or page prints? I hadn't even thought of using SBC to do this... Shame on me (haven't scrapped in over a year....)!
