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Awkward Vacation Photos

Adam, Isaac and I went to Minneapolis to visit Karen (and Jon) last weekend.  Bart, of course, had to stay home and take care of the turkeys.
We spent Saturday at the Como Park Zoo.  It was, as always, free and packed.  And a fun adventure.  I took some pictures, but unfortunately, they didn’t turn out very good.  I’ll start out with the best ones…
Adam and Jon -


Adam and Isaac -
Adam and a Polar Bear -

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Isaac and Karen -
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Adam and Karen -
And now, ridiculous-photo-ness -

That lady on the right?  Not part of our group.  Why didn’t I notice her when I was taking the picture?

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Then we got on the bus, and I tried again to take a group photo.  Thanks for smiling, Jon. :)
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While there, I had to bribe Adam with cotton candy in order to get him to stand still for pictures.
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Seriously…I bought a kazillion dollar cotton candy in exchange for this?  He wouldn’t even stand up for this one!
Maybe another group shot?  Sure, you can keep your eyes closed as long as you stand still.

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And of course, a sweet family photo. 

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There ya go – awkward vacation photos from a trip to Como Zoo.
The end.

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  1. you guys are so cute! and i love background people in photos- it always cracks me up!

  2. I love all the pictures, especially the ones where Adam is being silly. That's how most of my pictures turn out. Even when they're all looking at the camera and smiling with their eyes open, someone's always still doing something weird. The picture of that lady is funny--is she talking to someone behind you? Getting ready to ask directions?

    I was at the USS Arizona Memorial in Hawaii and was taking a picture of a wall with all the names of the fallen soldiers on it. Right after I took it some woman was like "Ohmigod, I'm SO sorry, I was right in your picture! I'm so sorry!" It was funny because the place was packed, there were tons of other people in there, too, but she was the one closest to me so felt really bad about it. Now every time I look at that photo I see her (she's not even looking at the camera, just walking by) and smile. It makes for a fun memory.

  3. That is good stuff!!!! We are planning to go there!

  4. So cute! There are only 2 of us and me and my husband cant seem to take very good family/vacation pictures either! Haha!
