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(Ground) Turkey Tuesday



Two weeks before a flock of turkeys goes to market, Bart has to take fat samples from a few of the birds.  The samples are sent to the plant, where they are tested for food safety.  The breast meat from those birds ends up in our freezer.


I love turkey breast in the crock pot, cooked on low for several hours.  But, a couple of weeks ago, I found a meat grinder at Target on clearance – originally $100 but marked down to $30!  I snatched it up and put it to work!


Bart and I spent about an hour grinding and browning about 16 lbs of lean turkey breast.  We divided it into pint sized freezer bags and now it’s ready for supper at any time!


Got a favorite ground turkey recipe?  I’d love to have you share it!

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  1. We LOVE turkey stir-frys. Brown the meat with some onion & garlic salt & pepper add diced carrots & cover with lid, then add any other of your favorite veg's- diced bell peppers, snow peas, frozen corn & peas. You can add black beans & tomatoes.. Ideas are endless for turkey stir-fry!

  2. I've never ate turkey before besides the traditional Thanksgiving turkey. If you find some good recipes please share!

  3. That is awesome! To have all that fresh ground turkey is fantastic! I use ground turkey all the time, I don't think I've had ground beef in years. I buy it in bulk and separate it into bags of 1 lb. I prefer to separate mine raw though.

  4. We have chickens. Do you think this would work for chicken meat? Do you just use the boneless skinless stuff or all the things you pick off the bones?

    We use ground turkey in place of anything asking for ground beef including burgers.

  5. What a fantastic deal! I wish I had a meat grinder, it's a lot easier to think of things to use ground meat in than chunks of breast meat (which is how our turkey gets frozen).

  6. Yum! We make meatballs with ground turkey (or whatever ground meat is on sale :), but since you've already cooked yours, it's too late for that. :)

    I've been seeing you bookshelf/dresser with the spice racks on Pinterest a LOT lately, and it made me miss you! My blog break has been too long! So I'm back checking out everything I missed :)
