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What’s in my Fridge

Weight Watchers and Wordless Wednesday

Whew!  What a multi-purpose, alliterative post! 
Caroline is having a “What’s In your Fridge Party.”
Katie Pinke hosts “Wordless/Wordful Wednesday.”

First up, my new roll-out cabinet freed up a lot of room in my cabinets.

Before: EVERYTHING!  This cupboard was a nightmare.  It help most of our non-perishable items but it was impossible to find anything.
After:  Breakfast items, coffee and bread.  Kellogg’s cereal was on sale for $1.66 a couple weeks ago!  The bread used to live in a basket on the counter, so this was a big help.
After: I’ve since put my pump, bottles, milk bags, etc. in here.  I’m not pumping regularly yet, but I will be in August when school starts again, so it’s nice to have a place for this stuff.

We eat a lot of this whole wheat rotini.  Adam loves it with butter and parmesan cheese.  Bart and I love it the same way, or with red sauce, or a butter, lemon, garlic sauce.
We also love pink milk.  AKA Strawberry Carnation Instant Breakfast.  It satisfies my sweet tooth, encourages Adam to drink more milk, and is LOADED with vitamins!!!  I don’t feel guilty about the added sugar at all because of those benefits!!!
Jammed in the fridge are lots of fruits and veggies.  I’ve got plans for turkey and pineapple on the grill and fajitas this week.  You can probably see one of my weaknesses – CHEESE!  I have a problem keeping produce fresh at home, though.  Any tips??
Our deep freeze died in a flood last summer, and we just recently replaced it, so it’s not really full yet.  We put this one up on cinder blocks in case the basement floods again, and stocked it with:
tilapia.  We eat a lot of broiled lemon-parmesan tilapia and these 1 lb packages were on sale for $3.69.  I love that the fish are individually frozen so I can easily make just one serving for a quick lunch.
You can also see the frozen veggies and pizza.  No more frozen pizza for me for awhile!
Under the tilapia are some turkey filets that we froze.  I love that turkey breast/filets are lean and free for us!!
The other side holds some ground beef that I browned and froze and hamballs (which should probably go in a freezer baggie.)  My favorite grocery store has a “Ten Pound Tube” special on ground beef occassionally. Last time, the 93% lean was $2.49 but you had to buy 10 lbs wrapped together.  So I bring it home and brown it all and freeze it into about 1 lb packages.  You could freeze it without browning it, but I find that it saves me a ton of time to do it all at once and then just pull out a baggie and re-heat it for supper!
Soon, the freezer will also hold sweet corn and breastmilk!
One last thing to show you – Adam’s snack bucket.  These are things that he can serve himself while I’m nursing or rocking Isaac, and are relatively healthy for him.  The bucket usually holds applesauce, cereal (yes, there’s sugar, but there are also whole grains and vitamins!) peanuts, cashews, pretzels, cheese crackers or fish crackers and Nutrition energy bars.  I did a little comparison and the Nutrition ones seemed to be healthiest and yummiest for the price.  I love having the cereal and other snackies in baggies and ready to grab when we go somewhere.

So far, Weight Watchers has been going pretty well.  My mom and sister signed up with me, and at least 1 other friend is signing up, so I’ve got a little support group.  It’s also a bit easier for me because I get more points since I’m nursing.  My sweet tooth is what kills me.

So there you have it.  Way more info than you ever wanted about what we eat!

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  1. I once lost 30 lbs on WW which was 5-6 years ago now! But now I am struggling again. The thing is I KNOW I can lose weight because of WW. I need to learn the new points system and commit to it. And I actually MISS breast feeding. Such quality time with my baby but pumping was tough. Every now and then I still find a random bag of milk in my freezer! Thanks for linking up!

  2. I did a fridge post also! Good luck with weight watchers!!

  3. I've got to climb back on that train. Want to have a weekly weigh-in? We could take it to e-mails or blog. I'm not too proud! Gotta get this weight off! I think my fridge needs a good cleaning before i start posting about it, sort of like my bedroom! ACK!

  4. You must feel so good now that you've gotten your cabinets, refrigerator, and freezer organized.

    One of my good friends has lost about 30 pounds since January using the WW method. WW really seems to work if you can stick with it. Good luck!

  5. Years ago I became a life time member of WW. Its the best most healthy way to loose. Best of luck!

  6. Just discovered your blog:) Good luck with weight watchers!!
