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Everyone said, “Make sure you take as many pictures of Isaac as you did of Adam!”

And I assured them, “Oh, I will!  I have a nicer camera now, so I’m sure I’ll be taking pictures all the time!”



Now, two months into this Mommy-of-Two gig, I have realized that I was wrong.


I guess it’s time to get out the camera again!

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  1. He's so adorable. If I were younger...

  2. Last comment sounded strange. ?? I'll change it- If I was still young enough to have a baby...
    There! That's better.

  3. There are never as many baby pics of baby #2 as there are of baby #1...funny how that happens! He sure is a cutie pie!

  4. He is so handsome! Yes, more pics please! :)

  5. It is easier said than done and harder than it looks with TWO precious little ones to watch and keep up with. Once Isaac is up and moving, you probably won't be able to take a picture without them both being in it. "Wither thou goeth, so goes Number 2" ;-)

  6. Oh *gorgeous*. I'm a bit like Patrice.... how adorable that little bundle is :0

  7. I spend more time taking pictures of other people's babies then I do taking pictures of my SCHOOL-AGED children. (ACK!) Where'd the time go?

  8. He has grown so much! Just precious!

  9. I'm guilty as well. Not so much anymore now that they're older and most of the pics are of Toddler because he stays still just a little longer than Preschooler, but when Toddler was little I was just too tired to notice that I wasn't taking the daily mounds of pics. I also haven't gotten his scrapbook started (tho Preschooler's only has 3 pages done :/ )
