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Yes nester, it works.

Nester asked her readers whether or not the “copper really works with my muddy turquoise?”

Here’s my answer.  (All photos from my first house, circa 2007)
P1010282 P1020390 P1020393 P1020394  P1020396 P1020402 
Sure, it’s a bit floral-y and accessory-y for the Nester’s current taste, but the colors are the same and I still love them!
fabric 2
I love them so much, in fact, that I still have yards of that striped fabric in my closet. And my aunt recently redecorated her beautiful, Victorian living room in the same colors.  This is the best picture I could find…
So yeah, Nester, I’d say it works!

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  1. Hey what about my rusty/copper and turquoise?

  2. So pretty. I would live there.

  3. Yep i agree it works!

    But is that a real dog??? ;-)


  4. HA! I thought the dog was a pillow and had to go back for a second look after reading Leontien's comment! I like those colors too, very earthy!

  5. I love that striped fabric and can't wait to see how you use it again in the future.

  6. Oh I am loving the copper/turquoise combo, so lovely! You've got great style! I'd love for you to stop by my blog sometime, www.icantstopcrafting.blogspot.com

  7. I think it looks great! The more decorating pictures I see online (and off), the more I think that just about any two colors you put together can work together.
