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Sew Crazy about my Baby!

I can tell my post-partum hormones must be nutso, because I’ve been sewing a bit, and almost enjoying it!  I was even able to follow directions on a tutorial AND sew reasonably straight lines.  I’ve done three projects and only yelled at the sewing machine twice!  There’s clearly something wrong with me. :)  Or maybe my love for Baby Brudder Isaac has inspired me.

I made two of these “nursing wraps” aka “hooter hiders.”  Now, I can nurse Isaac in public without mortifying anyone around me.



I *kind of* followed these two tutorials.

Made by the Mama Monster


Little Birdie Secrets


There is boning at the top so that you can see your sweet baby if needed.  One tutorial called for 12 inches of boning and one said 16 inches.  I made a denim cover with 12 inches, but I prefer this one, with 16 inches of boning.  It was easier to see Isaac’s face with this one.

And I even made adjustable straps.  Sorry for the lousy picture.




Then, I made a moby wrap.    Like this one, over at Moss Moments.

If you don’t know what it is, you really should go check it out.  It’s enabled me to “carry” Isaac around and go on doing normal things at the same time.  I read to Adam, carried him to time-out, and put him to bed last night with Isaac strapped to my chest, sleeping.  And everytime I look down, I get to see this:


Okay, well, I tried really hard to get a good picture of what I see when I look down,but that was the best I could do. 


Now, I need to go tame the pile of fabric that escaped from my china cabinet when I decided to get crafty.  I can no longer use the “I have to hold the baby, he’s asleep!” excuse anymore, since he’ll sleep happily in his little moby-wrap-nest while I clean.  Rats.  Maybe I should re-think this…



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  1. Moby Wrap is a life-saver! Our family joked that The Toddler would never learn to walk because he was always strapped to my chest! I love that you can tuck their little head in so their head is supported when you lean over - like when doing laundry. I was even able to milk cows!

  2. Good for you! Embrace all the energy and creativity coming your way!

  3. Great job on your sewing projects!! I really wish I knew how to sew. I haven't nursed Matthew in public yet (I pump and bottle it for when I go out), but the cover-ups seem like they would be so helpful!

    I love the Mo.by wraps!

  4. Way to go! I just made a hooter hider myself for a baby shower I'm attending tomorrow. I hope she likes it.

  5. Love the fabric - really pretty pattern! Glad everyone is doing well!

  6. Oh, awesome! Way to go on the nursing covers. I love the color you picked! I think I would be totally intimidated by that sewing project- especially after just having a baby ;)
    And, I love the moby wrap too! I kept collecting them from different places/people and making my own that I had 4 at one time. Anyway, they are awesome.

  7. Way to go! I am impressed. And a wrap is one thing I have decided that I need for baby #2. I got away with the holding excuse far too long with my son, but I don't think the dishes and laundry will wait quite as patiently this time around :)
