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Storage Solutions: Unused Space

We have so very little storage in this house – yucky basement, and closets the size of refrigerators.  I’m always trying to squeak out a little more storage.


This is the wall (and cobwebs) above the basement stairway. 


30 minutes later, a closet kit for $79 from Lowes, and help from my fabulous Dad, and I have more storage!



There are two more shelves that came with the kit, but we’re waiting to “install” them until we actually put stuff up there.


What’s going up there?  The stuff in hubby’s corner of the 3rd bedroom…4-H trophies, toy tractors, and high school/college memorabilia.



(This is the bedroom Dad is planning on finishing for Baby Brudder.  The plaster will come down and the room will get new wiring, new windows, new flooring, and of course, new drywall.  All before the end of March.)


Do you have any unused space that could be used for storage?  Does your hubby have this many totes of memorabilia?

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Try again - At my house, I am the one with that much memorbilia. 50% is at my parents' house, 50% got "lost" in the move my parents made while I was in college and 50% is in the corner of our attic (yes, I'm aware that doesn't add up). Unfortunately, our next home has much less storage space, so I've been asked to purge again....

  3. We have super-tiny closets, but lucked out in that we have a large laundry room with lots of storage cabinets and also a storage room in the basement. We still find ourselves wanting more storage upstairs, but we make it work. :)

    Shelves and closet systems are a great way to maximize storage space! Love them!


  4. I'm the one with the memorabilia! My attic is full of things I can't seem to part with..but if we move this summer as planned, I'm going to have to. Unlessssss....the new house has an attic too! LOL

  5. I have three bedrooms that look like that. I am with you, I need more storage. (or I just need to clean out stuff!) If I had it, I wouldn't have bedrooms full of stuff.

  6. Every little bit helps! You better get a move on that room, eh?

  7. I *love* storage and shelves. I will never have enough space for shelves, I think.
