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Photo Solutions: Where are your pictures?

When I was working on Bob and Mary’s Heritage Album, I had the pleasure of sifting through cupboards full of albums that were falling apart, and boxes and boxes of unorganized photos.
And I know many of you have digital pictures that are floating around your harddrive somewhere, right?
Could you find your favorite photo right now, if needed?
Are your photos in a place where you and your family can enjoy them?
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Just some food for thought on this beautiful Friday!

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  1. WOW - looking for an old photo right this minute - going thru boxes, closets, drawers - matter of fact got so sidetracked by all the pictures had to stop and think why I started going thru them! I really wish I could afford to pay someone to scan all my photos so they were all digital!

  2. I lucked out and most of our life has been documented in digital photos, as least the ones I've taken, anyways. I also took a photography class early on in college, and began to categorize my photos as was recommended and just kept it up. Currently all my photos are stored according to year, then month, then sometimes major events within that month. The system works wonderfully for me - as long as I can mostly remember the dates (mostly the year, then maybe the month), I can find the photos.


  3. Ugh! The guilt!!! I have 3 years of pictures kept on my computer in monthly files, but no other information. (They're also backed up on the external hard drive.) The thought of printing, organizing and scrapbooking all of that is overwhelming!

  4. I have been working on this but I'm sure I'm doing it "oldschool". I'm just waiting for the perfect system to fall down from Heaven and knock me on the head. :)

  5. Great post! I need to get my tush in gear and start creating albums for my digital pics. I have them backed up, but it still scares me to think that I could lose them in a keystroke.

  6. Grrr, no my computer is still on the fritz! At least I finally backed them up :)

  7. What a good kick in the you know what! Ha! I think I could find all my pics, but I know that no one else in the family could. I really should so something about that. Thanks for putting it in the front of my mind! Rebecca
