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February To-Dos

Ever since I finished my January list (Sunday) I’ve felt “lost.”  Seriously.  Like I didn’t know what to do with myself.

I got over it yesterday and was a lazy bum all day.  Which should have felt good, but it didn’t.

So, I decided to buckle down and make my new list.


As I finish these projects, I plan to post about them, and then link the list to the post.

Now, it’s time to get started!


What’s on your “list” this month?

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  1. Way to go girl- making a list and tackling it. Look forward to the posts! = )

  2. I am very impressed (I was impressed in January too BTW). On my list? Make a list. I operate much better with lists and you have inspired me to hunker down and do it!

  3. I think I will make a list too! Maybe I will actually get some work done around here!

  4. That's an impressive list! My lists are usually more of the clean kitchen, do laundry variety. I do need to tackle my husband's office though and file a box of papers.

  5. woo hoo furniture!! and you did so well with january, i hope you rock your feb to dos as well!

  6. I'm worn out just looking at the list. How do you manage! AMAZING!

  7. Wow, what a list! I bet you'll get everything on there done. I actually posted mine on my blog like you do. I want to finish painting two Lego Batman portraits for my 6 year old's room, paint the kitchen backsplash, hang a floating shelf in the living room, finish painting the doors and door trim, and finish laying my kitchen floor. I kept mine short because everything takes forever around here, hopefully the accomplish-nothing snow days are over for a while.

  8. Good luck with your list. Thanks for your kind words the other day too, just saw them. Kim

  9. I haven't made a list for the month yet but am planning our garden and ordering seeds. That is a top priority for me. We start our first plantings on St. Patricks Day, with peas, like in the old days:)
