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Oh, oh, We’re halfway there…

Oh-oh, living on a prayer

Who else is singing with me now?  Well, take a little break and read this post.

January is half over.  How are you doing on your resolutions (or whatever you want to call them?)

I feel pretty good about mine.  I made this January To-Do list and put it on my sidebar, and I have been referring to it at naptime.


As you can see, I’m over halfway done!  And I’m making good progress on what’s left.   I’ve been working on the boys’ clothes all week, and I have three garbage bags full to hand down to my cousins.  That should be finished this weekend.  Ronda and Jamie’s wedding storybook is almost done, too.

But the W-2s are giving me trouble.

And I really need to spend a few hours scanning pictures for Bob and Mary’s storybook.  That’s my “naptime” plan today.  (Creative Memories Storybooks are 20% off this month, so I’m trying to finish up a few of them!)

I still need a lesson on using the caulk gun before I can finish the windows.

But with 2 weeks left, I think I’m doing pretty well!


So, how are you doing?

Take my hand, we’ll make it I swear.

Oh-oh, living on a prayer.

(Feel free to sing that in your head the rest of the day.)

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  1. You are doing great Isn't it nice to get thing done and move on. Just got my tree down the other nigh dragging my feet.

  2. I don't do resolutions but I have been losing weight like I wanted and getting into shape..
    that is a good things..
    You are doing nicely.. just practice with that caulk gun..you can do it~!
    ta ta for now from Iowa

  3. You Go Girl. I putzing along over hear getting things done too, but I didn't make a list. Maybe I will make one for February ;-)

  4. Glad we're living on a prayer together! I can't wait for March to get here so baby Matthew joins us.
