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29 Weeks


26 Weeks:


27 Weeks:


Sunday, I’ll officially be 30 weeks, which means 3/4 done!  I’m excited, because Baby Brudder keeps poking me.  I’ve been checking for bruises just to the right of my belly button…I think he’s trying to kick his way out through my belly.

I love that he responds to Adam’s voice.  When Adam sings, he starts moving like crazy.  My two boys are already bonding.

Lots to do before he comes, though!

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  1. You look adorable!!! I have 3 boys and many times I felt like they were going to pop right thru with all their kicking. But I have loved being a boy mom and still do:)

  2. How cute you are! I miss being pregnant and the little baby days. Enjoy every minute of it!!

  3. You are too cute! I loved being pregnant! It was one of the best times of my life! Enjoy!

  4. You look so fabulous! And you are so close! WOW!

  5. You look great!! I always look like a whale about to pop. :s I scrolled down to look at your diaper box storage tutorial---very cool!!!!

  6. You are adorable. So glad things are going well. God bless you and all three of your boys. (big and little)
