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MIA: Didja miss me?

Well, I’m going to pretend like you did!

This week has been really busy. 

First, we got poults Sat. morning.  To see how we unload 20,000 poults in under an hour, in a snowstorm, go here.


Then, the blizzard really hit.  Not a lot snow, but LOTS of wind and blowing!


So we were stuck inside all weekend.  And instead of blogging, I spent a lot of time scrapbooking some Christmas presents.

Olthoff Christmas 10 - Page 001

Then, work and chiropractor appt. on Monday.

Kindermusik and mental health afternoon (watched TV and napped) followed by dinner at the in-laws on Tuesday.

Wednesday, I worked at school and in the turkey barn Wednesday night

And finally, today, I took Adam to daycare and then helped with chores in the barn. 

Which brings us to this afternoon, and some more digital scrapbooking, cleaning, and rearranging Adam’s room.

One of these days (soon!) I need to get a belly picture to post on here.  At 25 weeks, I’m obviously pregnant (even to strangers!)

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  1. I just thought of you and clicked over to see what was going on with you! We have lots of snow here and it is BRUTAL outside. I really need to get into digital scapbooking. Well, I don't know if I need any more distractions! :)

  2. I love when you finally get to the point that people know you are pregnant and not just fat. Your picture of the little guy is precious!

  3. I love to read about your turkeys. On dirty jobs they were caring for turkey I like to see how other farmers do their jobs.

  4. Just finished framing my 10 x 20 pics into frames that weren't exactly 10 x 20. If you do this project (making three name frames on a 20 x 30 poster) FIND YOUR FRAMES FIRST! UGH! Whoever said these were standard-sized frames, sis not live in my area! I had to fine frames that were matted for other pictures, take the mats out, and then still cut down the prints to fit the frames. I'll post the pics next week, after they are unwrapped this weekend. I really liked the final outcome, but I was TOTALLY stressed about not finding the exact right sized frame!

    Take care of you and stay warm. Sounds like you all may be sending another storm our way Monday~Tuesday! You can keep it if you want to! ;-)

  5. I've been working on the digital scrapping, too! Made my 1st photo panel, which came while I was @ Disney, for my bro for Christmas. LOVE it! I'm sharing next week! :)
