This is what you see as you walk in from the dining room. I used to have the screen door propped in the corner behind the chair but it’s busy being useful now.
So now, the corner seems a little empty. Like maybe it needs a tall bookcase to fill it up?
Like maybe this one?
Or this?
They are both about 6 feet tall. Which do you like best?
Or, do you think a bookcase will make that wall too busy? Maybe I need a piece of furniture with doors, so that I can shove all kinds of junk in there, but it will be less visually distracting. I’m terrible at making these decisions, and I change my mind a lot. Can you tell?
Across the room, this is our TV stand. I have some plans here, too….I want to paint the bottom of the cabinet cream, and leave the top stained. Normally, I don’t like to paint stained pieces, but this has so many scratches, I have to do SOMETHING, and I really want to lighten it up.
And then, I’m going to surround the off center TV with frames like Emily A. Clark did here. I’m hoping it will also help hide the heat vent you can see at the top of the picture, too.
And, proof that a two year old lives here…