This post is part of a new series, the REAL Farmwives of America, hosted by Heather over at 3 Kids and Lots of Pigs. It is a part of her regular Farmer Fridays Feature.
Although hubby comes from a long line of farmers (at least 5 generations) I never thought he would become one! When we met, I knew that he had grown up on a farm, was majoring in something agriculture related, but wasn’t planning on actually becoming a farmer. I had grown up in the country, but NOT on a farm. I knew nothing about farming. I didn’t even know there were turkey farms in Iowa.
Now, 8 years later, farming is our life.
At our ribbon cutting and open house in August, 2009.
How did we get here? I often ask myself the same question. :) It’s a long, complicated story, so I’m going to try to keep it as simple as possible. But this is the most important thing:
We are farming because we were blessed with an amazing opportunity.
Our decision is allowing us to raise our children in the country, as we had always wanted.
It is giving us a chance to teach them the work ethic and cautious financial management that comes with a farm.
It is allowing me to be a part-time stay at home mom, which was always my dream.
We were able to move from the “big city” and again become a part of a tight-knit community.
The farm is allowing us to “build a legacy” as my husband says…something to be proud of in our retirement, and leave to our children.
When I take time to remember all these things, I know that we made the right decision. Even when things are tough – turkeys die, husband’s working 14 hours days, and we have to travel to family weddings without him – I KNOW that this lifestyle is right for us.
Now, here’s how it all happened:
We were married in 2006, and Bart was working for the USDA at the National Animal Disease Center. He was a lab tech who helped do research on tuberculosis in animals (mostly deer…side note: infected deer can spread the disease to cattle.) He absolutely LOVED his coworkers, and had great (federal gov’t) benefits. His job was not stressful, and he got to come home and relax at 4:30. Although the salary was kind of crummy and there was no room for advancement unless he went back to school (not in his plan) he was pretty happy there.
Then, in the fall of 2007, we were offered an opportunity to begin farming. It’s a very unique situation, and I’m not going to share all the details, but here are the basics.
There is a large turkey farm near us that is owned by a man and his brother-in-law. At the time, the turkey industry was VERY strong, demand for meat was up (largely because of their contracts with Subway and the $5 footlong promotion) and they decided to expand.
So, they approached three young men who they thought might be interested in farming. One was one of their young employees, whose family farmed in another part of Iowa; one was a close friend of ours, who Bart went to high school with and was also in the fraternity with, and finally, my husband, Bart. These three were picked because of their family’s history in farming, their family’s reputation, and their own reputation. We were honored to be asked, and in truth, our first meeting with the farmers felt a little like a job interview.
When we first met with them, they explained their motivation. They told us that they could have put up their own buildings and hired some more employees to run them, but instead, they wanted to invest in young farmers. They wanted to help out a new generation of farmers get started, and they knew that these farmers, who would have some ownership in the turkeys, would do a better job raising them in the end.
They gave us several months to make a decision and we agonized over it. We made pros and cons lists, we prayed, we talked to other farmers, we met with our friend and his wife, we talked to our parents, we talked to each other, and we finally decided that this was an opportunity we could NOT pass up. Did I mention that 3 days before our first meeting with our future partners, we found out we were expecting?!?! As if it weren’t a hard enough decision already!!! The hardest part for Bart was telling his boss and coworkers. He was so close to them, and knew that would be the worst part of leaving his job. The hardest part for me was just wrapping my head around what life on a farm is like. I still have trouble dealing with it at times.
So, there was a mad dash that winter to sell our house, find a new house, and find someone willing to break up a field and sell us chunks of it to put up buildings. All while pregnant. :) Then, through a series of unfortunate events (mostly rain and corn prices) we didn’t get to start in 2008 anyway. Thank goodness Bart still had his USDA job!
Finally, July of 2009, we got our first turkeys. It’s been just over a year, and although we’ve had some turkey illnesses and problems with the heat this summer, we are *mostly* sure we made the right decision.
Without getting into too many details, our “partners” own 90% of our farm, and we own 10%. Bart gets paid a “management fee” from them on their 90% of the turkeys. This fee is based on the pounds of turkey we grow, so it is DEFINITELY in our best interest to do the best we can. Our goal (and theirs, I believe) is for us to buy more of the farm as we are able, and eventually own a majority of it. We would also like to diversify and own farmland, and possibly raise some cattle.
We are incredibly indebted (literally and figuratively) to the farmers who gave us this opportunity. Without them, we would never be able to do what we are doing right now. Besides the financial backing, they have given us their expertise and support, helping us every step of the way. I am truly so grateful for them and what they have done. Their generosity, patience and belief in us has enabled us to live out a dream we didn’t even know existed!
So, for everyone who thought we were crazy (and maybe still thinks so!) that is how and why we began farming. Although we (especially me!) are fairly new to this, we are so PROUD to be farmers, and are working hard to make our farm something that our partners and families will be proud of, too!
Now, head over and check out these REAL FARMWIVES who are also posting about how they “got here” today!
o Heather at 3 Kids and Lots of Pigs
o Amy & Liz at 2 Maids A Milking
o Amy at A Latte with Ott, A.
o Marybeth at Alarm Clock Wars
o Leah at Beyer Beware
o Jennifer at Farmgirl Follies
o Jeanette at Fence Row to Fence Row
o Lauren at Four Ransoms and a Farm
o Jane at Going Jane
o Cris at GOODEness Gracious
o Meggie at Hoosier Farm Babe
o Jent at My Front Porch
o Katie at On the Banks of Squaw Creek
o Whitney at Life is a Highway and Mine’s Surrounded By Corn
o Lana at Walking the Off-Beaten Path
o Denise at Who is the Grown Up?
Also linking up to a couple of these:

I enjoyed your story very much! I think it is so interesting too how you have become farmers. This is what I am loving about blogging, I get to follow someone like you along your journey! What a neat linky party for you too!
ReplyDeleteGreat story!
ReplyDeleteCool story, Katie!
ReplyDelete(I'm getting NOTHING done this evening, reading everyone's posts!)
I can relate to stressful decisions. My husband went out on his own and started own business on April 1... Found out I was pregnant with LittleD on April 5!! You just have to keep thinking "this is just a phase of life--we'll get there!"
I love that the investors were willing to bring in younger farmers and give them a start. I hope the turkey prices pull out of the dumper. We did our part and had turkey for supper tonight!
What a wonderful post! I am so glad you shared your story, and what a wonderful story it really is. Best of luck to you... and you know this old Iowan has sent more than one prayer for your turkeys! I know what a hard life it is - but the rewards of your labor compare to none. I'm glad you shared the other farm life sites too. Awesome!
ReplyDeleteThis is so interesting. Thanks for sharing your story.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing your story. I've mentioned before that my husband's dream is to be a farmer (I'm a suburbs kinda gal). The opportunity has not presented itself yet and maybe someday he can do it, but it's just not possible right now. I'm going to send him a link to your story.
ReplyDeleteHave a great weekend!
"Building a legacy" - the perfect way to describe the rural lifestyle! And what a beautiful legacy you're building!
ReplyDeleteWow, thanks for sharing your story. I'm glad you guys were presented with such a wonderful opportunity and took the plunge for all the right reasons. It took lots of courage and guts to do what you did, and I think that going out on your own business venture is incredible in many ways - it gives you pride in what you produce, you can grow, you can "build a legacy". Most things that you don't often find in the business world. I'm in the same place your husband was, and one day I'm hoping I'll have the opportunity and courage to take the plunge and start my own business venture. :) One day. So thanks for sharing your inspiring story!
What an amazing story and opportunity!! I love it- what a cute family =) I just started a new business venture with my mom- and it is a little scary but amazing to be able to have something that we have created from the ground up.
ReplyDeleteNew Follower!
Very, very neat story! Cant wait to read more!
ReplyDeleteI SO enjoyed getting a little glimpse of your life. I spent my summers growing up on my grandmother's farm, and my 8-year-old daughter loves me to tell stories about it.Enjoy your adventures!
ReplyDeleteHi there! I'm your newest follower from the Friday Blog Hop!! Lovely Blog! You can find me at www.bouffeebambini.blogspot.com
ReplyDeleteGreat post! I'm your newest follower from FFF blog hop! Would love for you to check out my blog and follow back!
ReplyDeleteLovely story ... and I don't think you're crazy! :) And P.S. I just read the other post ... about Sarah Plain & Tall. I laughed right out loud about your husband's title change! :)
ReplyDeleteVisiting from NFF. What a great story. Thank you for sharing it. Our start on the farm isn't nearly so glamorous. Basically, I cried because I wanted to get out of the city (I was raised on a farm) and hubby said, "okay, sounds good." Ours is a hobby farm and is off to a slow start as our first priority right now is our kids, but I look forward to reading more about your adventures and maybe getting some inspiration. Your newest follower.
I really love your story: you are blessed with an amazing opportunity for you and your children. My husband and I are also waiting for the right opportunity to buy into a new venture and our 5 year plan is to get out of our house in town and into the country. He farms right now, but drives to work.
ReplyDeleteI love hearing how you landed where you are. That is such a unique and awesome opportunity that was given to you...!!