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Dear Best Friend,

Thank you for spending the weekend with me.  I really needed it.


Thanks also for…

…doing my dishes and cleaning my kitchen while I laid on the couch complaining about my stomach.

…washing and drying your own sheets, and making your bed, since I didn’t get it done before you got here.

… ignoring the fact that you had to sleep on a mattress on the floor in Adam’s room.

…cooking dinner Sat. night.

…fixing Adam’s chair cushion, even though it was seriously confusing.

…letting Adam shower with you, to avoid a meltdown.

…crafting and baking with me (for me?)


Dear Best Friend’s Husband,

Thank you for…;

…entertaining Adam.

…picking up sticks with Adam for Best Friend’s and my pumpkins.

…cleaning out my garbage can because Best Friend said I couldn’t leave the nasty stuff in the bottom any more.

…helping hubby FINALLY finish putting steel up on the cattle shed.  My wallet will thank you this winter.

…taking the stupid password thingy off my computer.


Dear “The Rest of You,”

My best friend lives hundreds of miles away, in Ohio.  She and I met several years ago because our boyfriends (now husbands) were fraternity brothers.  I miss her a lot.  We like to craft together.  And shop for fabric together.  And bake together.  And just hang out.  She and her husband came this weekend and spent 3 glorious days here.  We hadn’t seen her since January, and we hadn’t seen him since, um, I don’t remember…Christmas 08?

It was an awesome weekend.  She truly took care of Adam and I, and her husband helped Bart finish up a project that a) needed a buddy and b) was supposed to be done LAST fall.  I am hoping they will move closer when she finishes her thesis, so we can have more of these wonderful weekends!!!

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  1. sounds like your best friend was just the cure you needed for the weekend. sounds perfect and she sounds just amazing!

  2. Best friends are the greatest. :-) They always know JUST what you need.

  3. What a blessing! I love the closeness that ya'll obviously share. Don't you love when you can have someone that you can just be yourself with. I am happy for you that you got to spend that kind of time together.

  4. So happy for you to have this time with your best friend. They are the best at knowing what you need even when you don't! Hope you are felling better soon!

  5. I didn't know they were around last weekend, how fun! Hope the ucky stomach doesn't last too long for you. How many weeks are you now?

  6. So glad you had that time together. BFF's are truly gifts from God!

  7. They both sound like wonderful friends, and afterall, helping out is what friends are for! I am sure they both did it gladly!

  8. It is always nice to have a friend come to your rescue and be there in a time of need I hope get over your sickness Babies are hard from the get go.

  9. Best friends are the cure, no matter what ails you and no matter how far away they live! What part of OH does she live in? Just curious! :)

  10. How sweet! Sounds like you had a wonderfully productive time with your friends - those are the best! Friendship never makes a task seem like work. Hope your "ailment" settles down soon : )

  11. There's nothing quite like a best friend. Glad you had a great time.
