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I’m Baaacckk!!

At least, I hope I am!


August has been crazy busy for me – first the trip to Minneapolis for the Creative Memories national Showcase.  Then, home for a few days to finish up my classwork (I took 3 courses this summer, not sure if I told you all that!) and then a few days in Chicago for a family wedding.  Finally, school started last week, which means I’m back to work!


I have to admit, it’s been kind of nice to take a break from blogging…especially from the amount of time I was spending reading other blogs.  Don’t get me wrong, I love keeping up on what’s going on in blog world, but I didn’t realize how much time it was stealing from me.  So, even though I’m back, I’m going to try to keep it reigned in this time.  I know many bloggers have posted about how they balance family time and everything else going on, including blogging, but I think it’s really hard to do.  I value the friendships I’ve made through blogging, but I also need to spend some more time on other things (like farm office work.)  So that’s my disclaimer for my “return” to blogging.


Any tips?  How do you balance it all?



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  1. I'm back to work at school, too, and my blogging/computer time just disappeared.I'd like to set aside a half hour four times a week to visit favorite blogs and get used to the fact that once a week might be it. I love looking at home blogs so much, but evening school activities are of course going to come first. And I need to probably decide which blogs I could just visit once every two or three weeks; I love them all, but there's just too much to get done. :)

  2. I work from home and don't have little children so I think that makes a difference. My husband and I both work online, and I feel blogging and social media is part of my job to promote my website. Writing in my relaxation time of the day!

  3. So happy you're back Katie! I would say the way I balance things is to just blog when I feel like it. I usually whip up a quick entry after my boys are in bed...or if they're off playing with Daddy somewhere.

  4. I was wondering where you went! I don't know what to tell you about time managing...I'm horribly addicted to blogging/facebook/agvocacy. One thing I've found helps, if you use Firefox for your browser, you can put a free application on it called Leech Block, that allows you to limit the time you spend on certain websites...you can customize it as much as you want. It will even give you a little timer that tells you how much time you have left.

    I guess it comes down to good old fashioned self-discipline. Boo!

  5. I was just about ready to send out a flare to look for you! Glad to see you back, but I totally understand the dilemma about balancing things. Just do what you can do when you can do it! It's all a tricky act to keep those many plates spinning at the same time (have you ever seen that trick with the guy spinning as many plates as possible on these wobbly tall sticks? It's crazy, and a great analogy to life!) I'm a stay at home mom, and still can't get it all done! I do remember those 18 years I spent teaching high school English, so I know the work load you are talking about. Good luck, and we will see you when life gives you a bit of time to spend with us!

  6. balance????? lack of enough sleep, loads of coffee.... that's how i do it!

  7. Hey girl. Glad to hear from you. I sure understand what you mean. Homeschooling has started back for us which means my blog time has to go down. I don't want my family to only remember me on a computer. So many things to do, but I do love my blogging buddies.

  8. I don't... I will find myself at the computer with Jemma playing around me and I realize I have been on for a long time. Then I feel guilty! I give myself about 30 minutes in the morning and then I am trying to make a point to turn off the computer during the day. Lot harder to check when you have to turn the whole thing on. Then I am trying to do maybe an hour at night when she goes down. It is so easier to get sucked in. I will look at the computer and it will be 10:30 at night then look again and it is 1:00 in the morning! If you find that balance, let me know!

  9. Very difficult to do! I feel guilty for not being able to sit and read and comment on all the blogs I want to after taking the time to create my own. I don't know how I would manage if I worked but I'm sure I'd find a way to squeeze in some time somewhere. LOL! You sound like you are managing just fine to me taking 3 classes and all the other things you mentioned. Just do the same as you have been I guess, a little at a time. Hope you have a great new school year!

  10. Find and answer & share with the rest of us...bc we're all struggling with that one I think! :) Glad you're back! :)

  11. So glad you are back. I was going through Turkey withdrawl. I thought about canning turkey to get me out of my slump. :) (joking) Looking forward to more!!!

  12. Ah, balance! I think I'm going to go through and read everyone's comment. Since I'm new to the whole blog thing, I realized quickly how it can suck you right in. It's wild! Our family is not much for technology n stuff...we don't even have TV, but this computer soon was my enemy (or best friend, however you want to look at it.) I have time limits I give myself of how long I can go on, and I don't let myself go on while my babe is awake!

  13. I've tried every trick in the book to certain times of the day..to certain days of the week...I gave up!!!

  14. So glad all is well. We have missed you Post when you can look forward to reading your blog

  15. Katie, I am so glad to hear that you enjoyed your summer. If you find a way of balancing it all, please share it with the rest of us:)


  16. I hired help to balance:) she is college student and she may bankrupt me...

    Seriously, I get blogger guilt sometimes because I neglect blogger a lot sometimes. I start to get withdraws from my bloggy friends. Just know we will still love you when you have time for us.

  17. Well, it helps me that I don't have small children that require my attention. On occasion that I have the grandbabies, it's just not possible to get to the computer. And I've got Mister home a lot of days so that helps me limit my time. I don't recomment that, though.
    Right now, it's 2am and I'm sitting here on the computer because it's the first time I've been able to get to it all day.
    I'm so glad you're back. I've missed your posts. But don't change your schedule because of me. I'll be here when you get back regularly.
