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You are What you Keep

Remember, I posted way back when that I was going to get organized?

Well, it hasn’t happened.

I have way too much stuff in way too little space.

But it’s all gonna change.  I pinky promise.


A friend recommended the book “It’s All Too Much” by Peter Walsh, Clean Sweep guy.  I started reading it, and as much as I hate to admit it, I have a clutter problem.



Then, as if the planets were aligned, I came upon this blog:

You are What you Keep


LOVE the whole premise – get rid of 2010 items in 2010.  My goal:

Get rid of 2010 items.

Make $2010 off the sale of these items.


Want to join me?


Head over there RIGHT NOW because Tabitha has a AWESOME GIVEAWAY!  No, wait.  Don’t go over there.  I don’t want you to win.  I want to win.  Maybe I should have skipped the “blog about the giveaway” entry option.  Darn it, too late! 

Anyway, you can win an hour long consultation with this guy!


Now, I have to get back to watching American Pickers.  Good luck organizing!

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  1. Katie! As if the stars were aligned any more... Justin is actually working WITH Peter Walsh on Peter's new show set to air January 2011 on Oprah's Network! It's called "Enough Already!"

    Good Luck!!

  2. I should do this. I have way too much junk. But I don't think I could make money off it!

  3. Sounds like a great plan, Katie!!

  4. I want to play! I want to play! I have too much stuff. Period. What a fabulous idea to get rid of 2010 items in 2010....I'd better get on it...there's only half the year left!

  5. I watched the American Pickers marahon and then sat down, well sort of, to watch a marathon of Hoarders: Buried Alive. Let me tell you, both were inspirational.
    I think there needs to be a Pickers show from a woman pov as well. (Can I volunteer?)
    After you read Peter's book, pick up either book from Randy Frost. Will change your thoughts.
    Can't wait for Peter's new show! I watched reruns of Clean Sweep daily when I could.
