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You are What you Keep Week 1.5

Here’s an update on what I’ve been doing.  I meant to post this last weekend, but a thunderstorm and no electricity slowed me down.


Anyway, we had to work in the garage first, so we’d have somewhere to store and hold a garage sale.  Spent 2.5 hours in the garage Sunday night:


I know this looks bad, but when we started, we could hardly get the lawn mower in, let alone a car!  We still have one corner full of stuff I’m not ready to deal with yet (pottery collections that I’m not currently displaying, but I *can’t* get rid of) and some garbage that needs to be hauled away (old stove). 

But, the 2nd picture is all garage sale furniture.  I think these count as 10 items each, because a) they’re big and b) I have a furniture addiction.

There are still a few pieces that I want to paint and put in our house, but hubby and I have an agreement.  If they’re not done by spring, they get sold in the spring garage sale.


12 pieces of furniture x 10 = 120 items right there!  Plus, there was garbage, but I won’t count that since I counted so much in the furniture department.


Monday:  Wandered around the living room and dining room with a box.  Came up with:

3 tablecloths

1 table runner

2 roman shades (never opened)

1 book

1 leather bag

1 fabric remnant


Also worked in the bathroom and made another round in the living room:

img_3312  img_3313

1 leather travel bag for hubby – since he’s stuck on the farm, he’ll never need it again.

1 bag sponge rollers from my youth

1 nailpolish (there were actually a bunch, but I’ll count them as one)

1 bubble bath (took up a lot of room in my cupboard!)

1 hair accessories (a few)

1 big brush

1 book

1 record

1 decorative bowl

1 decorative clock

1 photo album

1 lassy legs

5 tulip puff paints from college cheerleading (we put our names on ribbons for our hair)

1 travel alarm clock

And a giant box of garbage and pile of junk mail in the office that joined this stuff.



Tuesday: upstairs hallway and my bedroom


Box of pottery to go back to my parents’.  Depending on what color I feel like accessorizing with, I just run over to mom’s and steal from “Martha Stewart’s Prop Room.”  She has pottery grouped by color above her cabinets, and I just swipe whatever I need. :)

14 pieces of pottery

1 big box that was already packed for goodwill but has been sitting there for months

2 boxes of magazines (garbage)


120 furniture

42 for garage sale

3 boxes of garbage

= 165 items!


Then I slowed down a bit, but worked more in my room and ended up with:



What?  You can’t read that?  It says:

14 unders

2 nursing bras

2 photo albums

1 bathroom scale

4 too small jackets

1 set of Nancy Drew books in French

1 set of candles

1 book

13 shoes (single, not pairs….)

1 broken clock

5 button down shirts (I never iron them, anyway)

2 sweater sets

1 fabric remnant

6 dresses (including a bridesmaid dress…Karen, do you want it?)

6 short sleeve shirts

1 brand new purse

1 brand new pair of sandals

1 brand new bra

1 snugli

1 head thingy for baby’s carseat

1 pair hockey skates

4 hubby’s clothes

1 more pair shoes

3 pieces of wrestling gear (hubby was never even a wrestler)

1 more photo album

1 decorative pillow

1 cassette tape

11 more books

1 scratchy sheet set

27 other clothes items


And yesterday!

37 Toys!!



That brings my current total to:

381 ITEMS!  In 1.5 weeks!  Woohoo!

Next up:  the 3, yes, 3 buckets of dance recital costumes that I haven’t worn in 10 years.  But I might have a girl someday, who wants to dress up.  Or, I might need a halloween costume.  Or my students might need them for rock star day again.  Oh dear, this is going to be a tough one.


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  1. That pottery looks really great but I totally understand what you mean by the lists of stuff that accumulate. Do you want to come do inventory at my house next? jk... I am just terrible eat that stuff.
    I linked up my email to my profile... I think I did it right.
    cya round,

  2. Bridesmaid dress from my wedding? If you really don't want it I'll take it. (is that weird?) As for dance recital costumes, I can't get rid of mine...and remember that Halloween three of the four of us wore them. I know you are trying to streamline but I vote keep at least some of them

  3. I'm taking notes and will refer back to them after the fair! Keep at it!

  4. i have a habit of buying, so i have created a habit of cleansing and do it often- way more than i should... my mom is afraid to give me gifts anymore because she thinks they will eventually be donated. ok, so not that bad, but you get it! great work- now get that furniture painted so you can keep it!

  5. Oh dance recital costumes, how I love you.

    I think mine are gone though. Too bad.
    It would have been funny.

  6. I took a bag to my aunt's moving sale and came home with an equal amount of items...that's not how it's supposed to work, right?

  7. Oh, wow! You are doing a great job... we *might* be moving and I am dreading it. I'm voting we get a dumpster and be ruthless! But I wouldn't be able to toss my tap dancing costumes, either!

  8. You are doing an awesome job!! Way to go!

  9. Martha Stewart's Prop Room Director (AKA MOM) wants the bag of sponge rollers back!! Sob, sob....

  10. my favorite.....the 13 single shoes! i keep hoping to find the mates to the 7 single shoes that got moved from the old house....do you think the mates are in the tubs in the garage or are they buried with the old house?
